|| Chapter 9: Mom ||

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"You shouldn't have brought me to the hospital. It's just a minor injury..." I said to them, but they didn't answer me. Taehyung looked at me while Jungkook is just standing beside the wall with a crossed arms, so as Lisa.

"I should've also beaten those guys too! Aishhhh!! My blood is boiling!" I chuckled as I saw Taehyung. Jungkook and Lisa were still not talking and not giving me a glimpse.

Okay what's wrong with them now?

We are in the hospital right now, and the nurse is casually wrapping something in my ankle.

"Oh my goodness! Where's my baby? Where's my dearest babyyyy?? Why is she here in the hospitallll??"

Ughhhhhh... Mom...

"What happened to you my baby??? I thought you and your friends are just going to have jog but why did you hav-"

"I'm okay mom. It's my fault, I twisted my ankle while jogging..." I cutted my mom off and said the real reason.

"But auntie.. There were boys who tried to touch Y/N! And luckily my boyfriend saved her from those guys..." I glared at Lisa as she said that to my mom.

I shotted her with a deep glare because WHY NOTTTT!! She didn't have to say that thing since it doesn't involve why I tripped myself-

"WHATTTTTT???" All of us turned our sight to my mom who had a loud voice. I became embarrassed when the people around us also stared at my mom. I just bowed down my head and hid it. Aishhh what a bad day...

"Is it true Y/N? Someone tried to touch you? Someone tried to touch my daughter??" I raised my head and just slowly nodded at her as she sighed.

"Y-Yes mom but It's just o-okay! They a-are already gone and-" I tried to explain but my mom cutted me, making me stop from talking.

"IT'S JUST OKAY???? Do you think it's okay?? Umm Jungkook, you are Lisa's boyfie right? She said you saved my daughter so where are they? Hmmm?" I widened my eyes as I glared at Jungkook. Oh no please don't tell here Jungkook! If you tell her where they are, she will really beat them up! Or else, THEY'LL BE KILLED!! It's just a touch on my legs and shoulder! It's nothing so big deal!

I begged Jungkook through eye to eye, and I really hope he understand what I want to say to him!

"Uhh Auntie actually, you don't have to worry.. I beated them up and they ran so fast after that..." I sighed in relief as I heard Jungkook.

Those guys are still in the jogging place right now actually, and if my mom knew about it, she will do everything so that they'll rot in jail... I know that they should rot in jail for what they did to me but, they still deserve to be forgiven right? Or nah?

"Thank you so much Jungkook! Lisa is very lucky to have you as her boyfriend!" I saw Lisa smiled a bit. I grabbed my mom's hand so that she'll just stop talking.

I saw Lisa glanced at Jungkook but he didn't pooked back at her even if it's obvious that she was really looking at him.

What's really their problem? Ughhh...

A/N: short chap for a while~ mianhae

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