confessions || seongmin

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plot ; seongmin is secretly in love with his best friend, but he was a coward to confess. what happens when somebody beats him in confessing? will he hide or will he confess as well?

requested by crvtea.

"yo y/n is that another love letter we see?" wonjin appeared from nowhere while slinging his hand over her shoulder

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"yo y/n is that another love letter we see?" wonjin appeared from nowhere while slinging his hand over her shoulder.

he sat down next to her while seongmin glared at the older and slapped his hand away from her shoulder. wonjin scoffed and stuck his tongue out at him childishly.

y/n, who was oblivious to the happenings around her, nodded and sighed, "yeah, but it's weird because he doesn't write down his name," wonjin took the light pink envelope that was sitting on top of the table and opened it.

he dramatically gasped, "dang, this guy gives more effort in showing how he likes you than the other coward here!" he glanced over at seongmin and smirked when he saw him giving him a death glare.

"coward? who?" y/n budged him. wonjin hummed, ignoring her and his eyes widen when he read the message at the bottom, "hey, it says here to meet him on friday after school in the garden," he gave the letter to seongmin for him to see.

seongmin frowned when he read the handwritten message ; "if you're curious on who i am, can you meet me in the school's garden after class on friday? :)"

he scoffed, "his smiley face is ugly. mine's better," his lips almost formed to a pout as he muttered.

wonjin who heard him, tried all his might to hide his laughter. y/n looked at him weirdly, "you okay seongmin?" she asked him. "i'm perfectly okay! i feel so very good right now! wow!" he sarcastically said while doing a rainbow movement in the air with his hands.

she eyed him suspiciously, "um, sure," seongmin rolled his eyes and stood up to walk out, heavily stomping his feet.

wonjin and y/n looked back as he stormed out, "is he okay?" she asked wonjin with worried eyes.

"no, he's fuming mad," she raised her eyebrow with his words. "why is that?" wonjin faced her with a smirk.

"it's when a boy likes a girl, but there are other people who like the girl ," y/n's mouth formed an "o".

"that sounds like fanfiction," she laughed, making wonjin speechless with her obliviousness.

"seongmin is the boy and you- you know what? i'm tired with the both of you, i'm going home," he shook his head and turned around to leave.

"wait! seongmin is the boy and i'm what?"y/n scratched her head and stood about to follow wonjin.

"um, excuse me? can i talk to you?"

she stopped walking when she heard an unfamiliar male's voice behind. she turned around and saw a boy around her age in the school's uniform smiling at her.

"me?" she cluelessly pointed at herself. the boy nodded while fidgeting his fingers nervously.

"yes, i want to t-talk to you uh.. privately about something,"

wonjin pulled seongmin forcefully while running to the garden

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wonjin pulled seongmin forcefully while running to the garden. "hyung! where the heck are you taking me?!" he yelled while wonjin continued to drag him.

he ignored him and suddenly halted in front of a crowd. "excuse me, excuse me," he squirmed to the tight crowd full of students who were trying to glance over something while still holding seongmin's hand.

after a few minutes of struggling they finally got a place where they can see the thing that was causing all the commotion clearly.

y/n was standing in front of the circle of people while a boy was shyly giving her a rose stem.

"accept it! accept it! accept it!" the crowd yelled. she stood there speechless and frozen.

"i-i know i said i'll show myself on friday, but i really want you to know sooner that i like you," the boy said while his cheeks were turning a deep shade of red.

the crowd all looked at y/n for her answer, burdening and pressuring her making her silent and speechless.

"i-" she was about to speak when a hand grabbed her arm and took her away.

wonjin crossed his arms on his chest and wore a proud smile on his face as he saw seongmin running away with y/n. "ah, i raised my child well," he wiped a fake tear.

y/n tried to remove the tight grip of the mysterious person who was dragging her, "hey- seongmin?!" she checked his side profile to confirm, it was indeed seongmin. he ignored her and continued running to a secluded area.

he stopped running and let go of her hand and turned around to face her. she was bright red and sweaty from running but it shows in her face that she was annoyed.

"ahn seongmin that was very rude!" she nagged. he scoffed, "it was rude of him to put you in that tight situation! you're almost being pressured to say yes!" he yelled.

y/n glared at him, "even so, you can't just grab my hand to escape without my consent,"

"why are you taking his side?!" he almost slapped himself because he sounded childish. "i am not taking anybody's side seongmin," she turned around to leave to apologize to the boy and at the same time kindly reject his confession.

"don't go back to him, just come to me instead!" he absentmindedly shouted. y/n faced him with wide eyes while seongmin has both of his hands placed on his mouth due to shock.

he slapped his mouth and he closed his eyes, "w-what are you implying?" y/n found the courage to ask.

"i, uh, maybe i uh," he stuttered as he avoid her eye contact. she raised her eyebrow, "you what?" she anticipated.

he looked at his feet with blushing cheeks, not saying a word. she sighed, she expected something else. "i'm going now," she said with a sad tone. she was about to turn around and leave again but,

"i like you!" he finally spurted out.

"i like you! i like you so, so much! i like everything about you! the way you smile, the way you talk, i like everything!" the more he talked, the more his cheeks turned bright red.

he walked to where she was frozen standing still, "and because i like you, i hope you stay with me instead,"

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