How To Begin

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** Lia's POV **

As the elevator doors opened, my heart sank. Dakota was up on the walkway, staring at me with big eyes filled with terror. Great, she hates me for sharing a room with her last night. I knew it. I knew I should have gone to a different room!

"Hey," I said, with a small smile as I raised her tea in the air. "I've got your tea here." I hoped that would break the awkwardness which occupied the space between us. However, I stayed where I was and waited for her to give me permission to move closer, just in case.

However, she stayed perfectly still and only moved to bite her lip instead as a flash of panic crossed her eyes. Then she called out, louder than necessary, "Are you a werewolf?"

Well shit. I was not prepared for that. "Um..." I hesitated. Half of me was so relieved that she had figured it out, the other half of me was scared senseless to think that the fear written all over her was actually a fear of me. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. Her nervousness was palpable, and all I wanted to do was comfort her.

I opened my eyes and exhaled, then looked up at her with all the comforting feelings I could muster in such a tense situation. "First things first," I heard myself saying. I paused for another moment as I tried to find the right words. Goddess, help me. "I want you to know that you are completely safe here."

"That doesn't answer my question." Dakota stated, her face now colored with a hint of coldness.

"I know. I just," I paused again and set my coffee on the nightstand and clutched her tea with both hands. "I promise to answer all of your questions. May I come up there first?" The only way I would be able to get through this conversation was if I knew I could hold her at a moment's notice if she had a meltdown. I stood, waiting once again for permission.

She gave the tiniest little nod and whispered, "Don't forget your coffee." I smirked a little as I grabbed it and made my way up to her, so she wants me to be comfortable even when she's upset.

As I neared the top of the stairs, I held out her cup of tea which she hesitated to take. She watched me for a moment, unsure of whether or not she could trust me. "I promise, it's just tea, not poison. You can smell it to make sure if you'd like." I joked. She only grimaced, apparently it was far too soon for jokes.

Dakota brought the cup of tea to her nose and sniffed the small hole of the travel lid, then looked at me as she moved it to her lips. "It's ok, really." I assured her and with that, she took a small sip and I was rewarded with a small smile. "Is it good?" I asked. "I wasn't sure if you liked cream and sugar, or lemon. I decided to go with cream and sugar. I hope that's alright." I added.

She nodded, "It's good." She looked back down at the cup and whispered, "you still haven't answered my question." Her eyes met mine again, this time, they held something different. When I was down by the elevator I couldn't quite see it, but as I sat next to her, it was plain as day: pure vulnerability.

"Oh sweetheart," I heard myself say before I could think about it. I blushed a little as I tried my best to stop myself from wrapping my arms around her. She was in an extremely difficult spot and, even though I was her mate, she might not be ready for that level of intimacy. No matter how ready I was. I continued, "It's all going to be alright. I promise." I looked down at my own coffee, why am I so nervous? I thought to myself. This feels like coming out all over again. I let out a deep sigh, shut my eyes and said, "Yes. I am a werewolf."

I wanted to see her, I wanted to look into her eyes and see that it would all be alright, but I was completely petrified. She already hates me for sharing the room with her last night, there is no way she is going to accept this.

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