Chapter 5: Video Call, Goofing Around, and Admission Decision

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Fresh out of cheerleading practice, Neesa helped Moira set up an interplanetary video call, making sure the connection was stable so the conversation would go smoothly. Moira entered the password to join the group meeting hosted by Nardho. Soon, several different screens popped up, revealing the host, his sister, and Vannie. After making sure everything was done, Neesa nodded and left her cousin to enjoy the meeting uninterrupted.

"Hi, Moira! Good to see that our virtual meeting began on time. I was worried the signal would be weak on my end, but it turned out pretty decent. How was your day?" came Nardho's enthusiastic greeting, his voice deep and soothing. 

All she could say was "You'd make a pretty good singer, if the whole scientist thing doesn't work out." 

"Oh, is that so?" Nardho smirked at Moira's remark. "Unfortunately, I don't like singing. I'm more of an electric guitar and ukulele type of guy. But Nardhia does! She always sings whenever we are on a road trip or whenever she's happy, really. I grew up listening to her making up her own tunes. They're very catchy," He started humming a cheery melody.

"Aw, Nardho, you make me sound as if I am an excitable little kid!" Nardhia chimed in. "But yeah, I do like to make up my own songs. Maybe I'll teach you how to sing them when we meet in person, Moira. Now, though, let's focus on Vannie's project!" she chirped, sharing the screen so everyone could see the contents of her desktop. 

Vannie's jaw dropped as Nardhia displayed the folder containing news article excerpts of news articles and interview transcripts from decades ago, complete with photographs and captioned social media posts.

"You two did my homework for me? But you shouldn't have! Wouldn't that be cheating?" Vannie panicked. 

On her screen, Moira could the twins glanced at each other, communicating without words as only siblings could.

Nardhia looked back at Vannie and shook her head. "Nah, we are not gonna let you be a cheater. We simply want to share primary resources, but you have to write the essay yourself! Our late  grand aunt and her husband were still alive during the Disability Revolution and they witnessed the events unfolding firsthand. Our grand uncle was a journalist who left behind a diary--"

 "It's more of a collection of newspaper clippings," Nardho interrupted.

"--that has been passed down through the generations as an heirloom," she explained. 

"Woah, that's super cool! I'll read the diary later, I want to see the pictures!" Moira could tell Vannie was genuinely fascinated.  "Let see if Moira feels comfortable turning photographs into paintings!"

Nardho sent copies of the pictures to Moira, who went through them one by one. She finally settled on three out of the collection of over sixty pictures. She then showed them to the group and asked for their thoughts. "Would they look good as oil paintings?"

Realizing something, she turned to Vannie. "Why do you want an oil painting anyway?"

"The school will be displaying all the projects in an exhibition in a museum--which, in this case, will be like an art gallery. So, I suppose I can kill two birds with one stone: I get to learn about our solar system's history and you get to have your art recognized!" Vannie said, beaming with a smile that said 'I am a genius.' Then, her excitement increased even more. "Hey, I heard my teachers talked in the staff room that the school plans to invite TV crews to broadcast the event live. Who knows, you might have your first taste of fame!" 

Moira turned scarlet. She had never considered her art worthy enough to be displayed in   a gallery. She thanked Vannie, nevertheless.

The first picture Moira chose was of an elderly woman in a wheelchair shielding a little boy. Two police officers carrying a tank of tear gas seemed ready to unleash it upon the protestors crowded behind the old woman. 

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