Chapter 13: Community Relations Lecture, Free Time, and the Gaburs Dance

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Author's note: some of the lectures given by Ayumi and Lee below were adapted from a presentation given by Ade Marup Wirasenjaya, a Global Studies lecturer from the International Relations department at the University of Muhammadiyah, Jogjakarta, Indonesia (UMY) during an online webminar held by Komunitas Peduli Lingkungan/Keliling INA, a society for the preservation of the environmental systems in Indonesia. I am thankful for Pak Ade's willingness to share his expertise about national security and other materials.

The bus ride to the center of the village in which Ayumi's Outer Trees community resided took another two hours, but the ride itself was pleasant as Moira and her friends enjoyed the sceneries from the windows

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The bus ride to the center of the village in which Ayumi's Outer Trees community resided took another two hours, but the ride itself was pleasant as Moira and her friends enjoyed the sceneries from the windows. Golden Valley was nestled between two mountains and autumn had turned all the trees the colors of fire and ruby. Moira wished she had brought a canvass with her.

The bus stopped in front of a big guest house that look like it was made entirely out of bamboo woods and mahogany. Ayumi spoke on her phone for a while and the door opened to reveal an elderly couple, the woman looked a bit like an older Ayumi while the man had dark skin tone, almost like Nardho's but not as dark as Moira's. The group instantly knew who they must be.

"Mama, Papa, I'm home and I've brought my students. Everyone, say hello to my parents, Kahoko and Ardiansyah. They will be around if you need help, Mama is the one who'll cook the foods and Papa tends to a farm not far from here. Any question?" Ayumi introduced.

No question was asked and so Kahoko showed everyone where the rooms were. Moira was assigned to room together with Vannie and Nardhia, while the boys and Rain shared another. The room was spacious and the beds, which were actually foldable, were flat on the floor.

"There will be a festival tonight, I hope you guys can come. I have prepared something for everyone to wear, so get them from me around five thirty, okay? I'll be in the kitchen." Kahoko welcomed the guests warmly and Moira couldn't help but think she sounded like Aunt Zoe. It was now two fifteen in the afternoon, quite a bit of time before the mentioned festival.

Lee had told Ardiansyah that upon arrival the class would need to be briefed a bit on what to do and what not to do around the village, thus the elderly man brought everyone to a large conference room, complete with a huge white board and a round table, perfect for a discussion.

"Here, guys. Enjoy your course, okay? If you need me I'll be herding sheep." Ardiansyah left.

Lee turned on the projector to show a map of the village and the surrounding nature, telling the students that there would be plenty of time within their six months stay to visit cascading waterfalls, hike to see a cave full of hidden butterflies, swim in a lake, and more. At the mention of a cave, Nardho glanced at Moira and the girl smiled back at him, remembering that time in the Mother Mary Cave when the boy first confessed his feelings. Let's go after class, Nardho mouthed and Moira nodded at his direction. Lee then pulled up a slide about ground rules.

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