Chapter 12: Sick Days, Existential Crisis, and Train Ride

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It had been five days since the floor meeting and Kenta already got Moira in touch with his fashion designer friend. Like Kenta predicted, the friend gave Moira and the freshmen a discounted rate. Everyone chipped in and even Neesa and Moira's guardians donated to the project, which meant in the end Moira did not have to ask Kenta or Johan to pay for anything. This knowledge gave Moira a sense of immense relief because she would hate to be indebted to anyone. Debt was not always bad, Moira knew that, but she still would not want to be in one.

Ayumi had advised Moira on the specifics of the costumes, too. From the centuries old photographs Ayumi scanned and e-mailed Moira, the entire freshmen class agreed to keep the costume very simple as making them as elaborate as the authentic ones would not be cost effective. The original attires came with intricate headwears and anklets, but Moira had asked Ayumi if flower crowns and bracelets were okay, to which the professor said yes—the point was not to analyze what exactly the Little Trees people used to wear in the olden days, but to understand how a group's collective identity could be forged through the sharing of a common culture, in this case the tribal gowns. With that sorted out, Moira's wallet remained intact.


Nardho had not been coming to classes several days in a row now and on the fourth day of him not replying to her texts or returning her calls Moira decided to just go have a look for herself. Tony had told her that Nardho wanted to be left alone and Nardhia did confirm that her twin brother could get into one of his moods sometimes. When Moira reached the boys' wing, she was surprised to find his door slightly ajar; she could see him face down at the study table.

Nardho's arms were crossed with his head on top and Moira hesitantly put her hands on his shoulders. When the boy did not stir, Moira gently shook him awake. Nardho groaned.

"Mmm... What day is it?" the boy asked weakly with a hoarse voice and blinked in confusion.

"It's weekend. Haven't you come out of the room, Nardho? Did something happen? Why are you ignoring my messages?" Moira's tone was more worried than angry or accusatory.

"I have fever and don't want to spread germs. Contagion is high in college, you know? But it's nice of you to check on me. Tony has gone out to get fever reducer on my beha—"Nardho suddenly slumped forward and Moira held him with her arms and led him to his bed.

"Seriously?" Moira propped Nardho with pillows. She put her hand on his forehead and sure enough her boyfriend was burning. "You shouldn't have pushed yourself to this point," she sat on the edge of the bed. Nardho did not answer, his eyes were closed, breath shallow and short.

Tony knocked on the door and handed Moira the medicine. "Is he asleep?"

"I think he's passed out. Has he been worsening? Why isn't he in the Health Clinic?"

"I tried to take him there but he kept refusing, saying he didn't need to go. Stubborn."

"Does Johan know his brother is ill?" Moira wondered why the RA had not told her anything.

"Johan is on a weekend leave until tomorrow, did you not remember? The dorm is left to the dormitory overseers. Sorry, I should have fetched him earlier before it gets to this point."

Nardho moaned and Tony rushed to his side. "Hey, it's Tony. How are you feeling?"

"I'm thirsty." Nardho croaked. Tony gave him a glass of tap water and asked if now would be the best time to go see a nurse, although he really didn't need his roommate's consent, it was an emergency. Nardho finally relented and Moira dialed the nurse's hotline.

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