Chapter 15- Luther

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Shawn's POV

I've never been more stressed out in my life. I'm literally clueless as to what I'm supposed to do to find Emma.

Alright this might be stupid, but it's all I got. I'm going after Caroline and attempt to explain the situation to her. If Emma trusted her, then so will I.

As soon as the intimidating dude was out of sight, I followed that woman or "Caroline" as he called her. To be honest, it felt weird to follow someone three floors up and not say anything. I was low key stalking her, and if she's anything like my crazy girlfriend, she probably would've started yelling at me the second she turned around and noticed me.

Luckily for me, she was too pissed to look back, so we made it without any drama.


I cleared my throat. "Excuse me, you're Caroline right?"

She turned around and faced me, an angry expression on her face.

"What do you want?"

"I heard you saved Emma a while back. Correct?" I went on.

"Are you here to interrogate me blondie?" she gave me a death glare.

For some odd reason, I felt like she wasn't in the mood to talk. I mean whether it was the fact that she just got out of the dungeons, or that her hair clearly hasn't been washed in ages, something told me I should run away.

Something isn't right, and I can't quite put my finger on it... guess I'll never know.

Ok stop that Shawn. Can't you see the situation is too serious for your pathetic sense of humour?

Gosh my own words sounded harsh in my head.

"Perhaps I should introduce myself, I'm Shawn. Emma's boyfriend." I took out my hand for her to shake it.

  "I hope you're not a jerk to her like my brother was." She hesitantly shook my hand, her gaze never leaving mine. "Where is she?"

She's Kevin's sister? Well as childish as it sounds, that kind of makes me trust her less.

"Now that's the problem. She's supposed to be here with me, but she's not."

"Why would you come back? How?" Caroline seemed confused as hell and I don't blame her. I was even more confused.

I opened my mouth to tell her we came to rescue her, but that would make me look stupid. Rescue her from what exactly? She already got out of prison or whatever if that was the threat. So really, why were we here?

"That's a long story now's not the best time. Can you help or not?" I asked impatiently.

"Yeah I guess. Let me take a shower first. Wait here." She opened the door to what I'm assuming is her room.

"Wait where?"

"Here." She looked at the ground we were standing on. Alright, so she'll go relax under the hot water and I'll wait by her door like an obedient puppy.

Ok seriously why am I being so petty? Gosh my mood swings are becoming worse than Emma's. What have you done to me baby?

An hour passed and she finally opened the door, causing me to fall on my back since I was leaning on it. I was quick to get back on my feet and I spotted food on top of her table. I couldn't quite tell what was on it since I had mere seconds before Caroline shut the door.

I see, so she had lunch and didn't bother offering me any. Isn't she supposed to be like a princess or something? I mean they're rich they can afford feeding a guest.

Wait, I see how it is. I'm being grumpy because I'm hungry. Gosh I really am turning into my girl.

Caroline's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Her wet dark hair dripping. "Alright I'm going to get someone who knows how to find her. Wait for me in my room and eat up, this is probably going to be your last proper meal in a while. Oh, and don't even think about going through my stuff, my maid will be watching you, blondie."

"It's Shawn." I corrected her.

"Don't take long blondie." She said as she opened the door for me to enter, then walked away.

Emma's POV

It's been so freaking longggggg. I have never been more bored. Not to mention I'm also kind of creped out. Out of all the places I wanted to visit, Kelaya was Not. On. My. List.

I have things to do you know, places to be, people to find. And sitting around in a small tent all day isn't helping. I can't believe I ever wanted to explore this place, let alone Pengale, or any other one of these stupid kingdoms.

I need an excuse to leave. Anything. Literally anything.

"Hey could you come here for a second?" I called out for the man guarding my tent.

He ignored me.

"Hellooo?" I repeated even louder this time.

Butthole ignored me again.

I stepped outside the tent and tapped his shoulder continuously. By the looks of it, he wasn't enjoying me abusing his shoulder. Excuse me for trying to be friendly.

He pushed me back inside the tent.

"Hey butthole I'm pregnant. Now act like a decent human being and get me food. I'm hungry."

He walked towards me and stared me down. "What did you just say?"

"I said I'm hungry. Even prisoners get food, this isn't fair." My voice surprisingly sounded strong, even though I was actually quite scared of him.

He didn't say anything. Mr 'I like to be rude with people and make them feel like crap' left without saying a word.


I sat back on the floor, feeling hopeless. To be honest I'm worried about Shawn more than anything else. It's not just that I miss him, but also the fact that he could be in danger and there's nothing I can do about it.

Shawn's POV

"Nick we've been walking for hours, where is this freaking wizard?" I complained.

Yeah so apparently when Caroline said she was going to get someone that can find Emma, she actually meant to say "I know a guy who knows a guy that might not be completely useless to us."

Well at least that guy she brought with us, AKA Nick, is pretty nice. I don't mind his company, better than moody red riding hood over here who's wearing a red cloak and doesn't want to talk to anyone.

It just occurred to me that this is the exact same cloak Emma and I had brought from Jasmine's house. I guess they each bought one so they could be matching.


"We're almost there Shawn. Be patient."

"You know I hate to break it to you but your constant whining won't make us get there any faster." said Red Riding Hood. And I rolled my eyes at her.

"And you constantly pointing that out won't make me stop asking." I fired back.

I don't even know where we're going, but it's not like I have anything better to do. According to Nick, we're going to see some guy – more like a wizard– who knows how to track people. Sounds creepy to me but hey, what do I know?

"We're here." announced Nick, looking up at the tall building before us.

"Where are we exactly?" I asked, averting my gaze towards Nick and Caroline.

"This is where he lives dumbo." answered Caroline.

"Who's 'HE' though?"

"His name is Luther." Nick told me as he knocked on the door.

*Sooo... thoughts on the chapter? Don't forget to vote!*

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