Chapter 24- Grim Reapers

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"Who are you?" I asked the circle of psychos.

One of them scoffed at my words, not sure which one though. I was trying to act as if I didn't feel threatened by them, but how could I when they had their bows pointed in my direction?

"Anyone got a plan?" whispered Shawn.

I shook my head slightly, though I doubt he noticed it.

"Nope, not at all. We're screwed." Nick's highly reassuring words made me shake even more than I already was.

"We're waiting." A man's voice startled me. I looked in his direction and realized he was the only one in the circle with all his arrows still in the quiver.

Waiting? Waiting for what? Are we supposed to answer him or something?

"Leave." Luther's firm voice came out of nowhere and I felt like we actually had a shot at surviving if he were there with us.

I stood on my tippy toes and lifted my head, searching for him, but he wasn't there. Did I mistake him for someone else?

Suddenly all of the creepy grim reaper lookalikes turned their bows towards a specific man. One that wasn't wearing a black cloak like the rest of them.


"Give it to us." Demanded a woman, putting her hand out wide open.

"I'd love to but, oh wait, no I wouldn't actually." said Luther, feeling quite comfortable despite the circumstances.

"We won't ask you again." said one of the men. They had their backs to us, so it was hard to see who was talking.

"Then don't." replied Luther as Shawn, Nick and I were watching him with a very confused expression.

I thought they were going to keep arguing like that, but no. Luther's next move caught me off guard. He put his hand out, as he would when telling someone to stop. The second he did that every single one of the archers flew across the land and each bumped into the trunk of a tree.

My jaw dropped at the sight. My eyes were glued to the bodies that collapsed on the floor. Weird thing is, I wasn't scared. I was just rather amazed by Luther's powers.

"NICE DUDE!" I praised him as I slowly clapped my hands for him.

He chuckled at my words. "Glad you were entertained. Is everyone ok?"

Nick said "I'm good." at the same time that Shawn replied with "Yup."

"So, are you going to explain to us who the hell these guys are?" I asked, taking a few steps towards Luther.

He ran a hand through his messy hair. "Just some idiots my brother sent. He's too scared to come here by himself, so they came instead."

Nick asked the same question I had in mind.

"Why did he send them?"

I secretly hoped we weren't annoying him with our questions, but he didn't seem bothered.

"He wants something I have. Don't bother asking, it's wizard stuff." He replied. "May I ask what the hell you three are doing in the woods?"

Right, we didn't tell him yet.

"Because Emma is stubborn and practically dragged us here to just so we could ask you a question." Shawn got a death glare from me as soon as he said that.

"Correction: I told you I was going either way, you voluntarily tagged along because you have nothing better to do."

He rolled his eyes at my comment.

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