Chapter Sixteen - Playing Nurse

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"Wait? We can't just wait when you could be dying!" I yell at him, exasperated with his sudden nonchalant attitude.

"Well, what else are we supposed to do? Our minuscule store of medical supplies won't be of much use. All we have is this plant, and we have to wait to see if it works. There's no point in panicking right now."

"Yes, there is point in panicking! We have to do something. I can't just sit here!"

"Then can you help me get to the pod? The seat is much more comfortable than this sand," he somehow asks calmly. I nod and half-carry him to the seat in the pod so he can rest.

I take a moment to calm myself and organize my thoughts. I need to relax.

Remember the beach this morning. Beautiful water, calm waves. Don't think, just breathe.

"Ok," I begin to instruct Derik, "I'm going to play nurse."

Immediately, Derik snorts. "Errin, I don't think of you in that way."

"Get your mind out of the gutter, I'm trying to help you. You're a doctor, so you know what nurses should do with a sick person. Let me be the nurse and fix you up. Got it?"

"Got it," he smiles, without the laughter that he was clearly holding in.

"Hold on, I need to get something," I leave Derik and try to find inspiration for my new nursing role. I snatch a leaf that somewhat resembles a surgical mask and hold it to my face. With my pseudo-costume, I re-enter the pod. "Hello sweetie, what can I do for you today," I inquire in a motherly tone.

Derik, once again, holds in his laughter to respond. "I'm a bit hungry, could you feed me those fruits over there," he points to his abandoned breakfast.

"You want me to feed them to you?"

"Oh, yes. I'm much too weak to feed myself. Please help me, nurse," he begs in an uncharacteristically goofy voice.

I groan to myself, but pick up one of the fruits and hold it up to Derik's mouth. He gingerly takes a bite and crunches on it slowly. When he finally swallows his food, he lets out a dramatic "Ahhh." I roll my eyes at his melodrama, continuing to feed him.

I tolerate Derik's playing around for a few minutes before I stop. I put down the fruit and turn to him, "Ok, you've eaten breakfast. What can I help you with now?"

"I feel a little hot. Could you cool me down?"

I have no idea how to do that, but I agree anyways and stand to find something to help. Then, I remember Derik and I have some leftover gauze stored away. I search the pod's compartment until my hand touches the squishy gauze. I take it out to the sea and soak the material with the cool water. I squeeze out the excess water and take the wet cloth back to my patient. When I place it onto Derik's forehead, he - once again - dramatically sighs.

"Will you be needing anything else," I ask.

"Just some rest. You keep yourself busy, I want to take a nap."

I'm so not used to this side of Derik.

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