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The sounds of cameras flashing and reporters shouting outside the ship's walls is somehow comforting and terrifying at the same time.

After another 4 months of travel, I'm finally back on Earth. I never thought this day would come. I don't know if I'm ready to leave the familiar, safe walls of the ship that carried me home.

The last 4 months have been more peaceful than I ever could have imagined. On the ship, titled USS LIBERUM, I spent most of my time with the modest staff and the two other survivors. We enjoyed sharing our war stories and discoveries from our respective planets.

Tomas Stone is a young man, no older than 19. He was sent on the expedition to the planet Saxugo as protection for the researchers. Going to the dangerous planet was his first assignment after signing up for the United States' army. His last name is oddly appropriate, because he is ridiculously built and has a closed-off personality. He's warmed up to us a bit, though.

Living on Saxugo made him even more tough than he was before the expedition. The planet has an almost entirely rocky exterior, so his resources were limited. Luckily, he was able to find a lake that provided him with the necessary tools of survival.

The other survivor, Isobel Shelton, is an older woman, around Lou's age. She was sent to the planet Glaebilis to research the wildlife, similar to me. She's acted as a motherly figure to us during the past few months. She's awfully sweet and exceedingly intelligent.

Surviving on Glaebilis was not too difficult for her, since the planet is most similar to earth. Sadly, she struggled with loneliness, since she was the only survivor from her ship's crash. She's been horribly talkative while on the USS LIBERUM, since she could barely stand being alone on Glaebilis. I've been grateful for her company and positive attitude.

I was the last to be rescued, and that's why the ship was a week late. The rescue team went to the planets in order from the sun, and Aquaertus was farther than Saxugo and Glaebilis. Thinking about it, I was stupid to assume that rescue would come after exactly 3 months. I gave myself a pass, since I was grieving.

Now, Tomas and I squeeze Isobel's hands as we prepare to face the crowd on the other side of the door directly in front of us. None of us have seen so many people in nearly a year, so to see hundreds at once might shock us. I'm excited to see my family, since we'll be reunited once the doors open. I just wish it wouldn't have to be in front of so many reporters.

"Are you all ready," Isobel asks in her gentle voice.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Tomas replies.

The pair then turn to me, expecting an answer.

I take a deep breath. "Let's do it."

Tomas reaches and presses the button to open the door. The metal door slowly moves open, and we can finally see our home planet.

We step out onto the small stage set up in front of us. Our legs wobble a bit as we adjust to the unfamiliar feeling of gravity, and our eyes squint at the brightness of the sun and the cameras.

Reporters begin to shout out questions from behind the roadblocks and security officers that separate them from us. It's almost too overwhelming.

I feel the hand I was holding slip from my grasp, and I look in Isobel's direction. I see her running towards a small clump of people consisting of a man her age and two little girls. That must be her husband and kids. I smile to myself as Isobel embraces her family.

I look to her right and watch as Tomas calmly walks to his parents, who are waiting for him with open arms. Both Tomas and his parents shed some tears as they're reunited. It warms my heart to see Tomas truly happy for the first time.

Finally, I look to their right and see something I never thought I'd see again.

My family.

I let all of my inhibitions go and run as fast as my legs can carry me to the people I love more than anything in the universe. I throw my arms around my parents and let my tears run freely.

"I missed you guys so much," I sob.

"We missed you too, baby," my mom chokes out. I feel my sister wrap her arms around my waist, and I step back to hug her in return.

I'm finally home.

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