I'll Be Seeing You | Joe Toye

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I read somewhere on Tumblr that Joe liked to sing Irish songs or "I'll Be Seeing You", and then found this otp idea on pinterest so here I am, combining the two.

(Y/L/N) = your last name. Futuristic AU, so no particular country is named for the location; it's only referred to as "the nation" in here. Army ranks are the same as in the show. Cursing. Female reader. Death. Fluff and angst.


It was no use. No matter how many times Easy Company tried, they just couldn't defeat the enemy. They couldn't drive them back enough to get some time to recover. Every week, the United Governments Army (Luz would call them Uggs as a joke and it seemed to stick) would close in closer and closer. Eventually they'd be knocking on Easy's door with grenades and machine guns pointed and ready to fire.

"It's pathetic." Joe often complained. "We've been at war with the Uggs for three fucking years. And nothing has changed. We're Easy Company, we're supposed to be the hope for everyone else here. We're the fucking rebel team that's supposed to do their fucking job, but can't because we're too goddamn low on ammo and supplies."

"We're only a small force, Toye." you would always remind him gently. "We can only do so much with about hundred or so people with a small few buildings we call base."

He would huff, and that would be the end of those conversations, the topic quickly moving on to something else that had happened that week, or to Luz, Skip, Malarkey, and Penkala's latest prank on Nixon. It was the latter most of the time.

It had been four years. Four long years of a corrupt government draining the land of its resources and driving everyone in it to hardship. Four years of the regime they called "the nation's greatest salvation". It was nothing of the sort, however. All that had come out of the new government system was poverty and despair. You and many others in Easy found it funny how quickly the nation went to waste in four years.

It seemed like the nation was in good hands in the first year. Things started looking up. But then corrupt officials began taking advantage of the prosperity and decided to help themselves. They drained the country of its riches and turned it into a desolate wasteland. The riches they stole were used for themselves. If you looked towards the mountain range, you would see the stark white houses of the officials, standing proud and tall against the drab gray of the mountains they sat upon.

By the time the second year rolled around, rebel teams began popping up here and there to take care of the corruption and poverty. They didn't do anything too drastically big at first. It was mainly hijacking and ransacking supply trains that came in from other towns nearby. But then the officials began to grow suspicious, and decreed that if anyone were against the regime, that they step forward and voice their concerns.

No one came forward. It was clear what would happen if they did.

The third year of the regime, the rebel teams grew tired of not doing anything and the leaders of the two strongest rebel teams sent assassins to kill the Supreme Minister in the annual meeting of the Senate. They succeeded in their mission, declaring war on the United Governments and thus began the 2 years of pointless fighting and bloodshed.

Personally, you thought that war was unnecessary, but you couldn't imagine what would happen if the rebel leaders had sat down and talked with the Supreme Minister. They probably would've ended up killing the Supreme Minister anyway.

You and Joe often speculated about the different outcomes of the world if war hadn't been declared. But you didn't dwell on it too long because if the war hadn't started, you and Joe never would have met. (It was funny how you met, really, but that would be a story you took to the grave. Long story short, you almost shot Toye and threatened him with a spoon when he was on his scouting patrol.)

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