Chapter 6

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It was a really long while since Oscar was missing and then after searching for him for so long, you felt like you were gonna fall asleep trough the now. You felt someone tap you right on your shoulders. It was from Sylan who was holding Adrian in his hand.

Sylan: Hey bro, you should consider waking up. You don't wanna be missing out on something.

Y/n: Can you just give me a few more minute right now?

He looked at you and then at his son Adrian. He smirked and whispered something to him. Adrian let out a huge cry like weapon. This was able to make you shot out from the ground.

Y/n: Okay. I get it. What do you want?

Sylan: Before I answer your question, the little technique that Adrian did was more like a wake me up shout. Trust me man, Terra and Saphron does this to me all the time. And also there are a few friends of yours that you should be talking to because they are still worried about your one friend that is till missing.

Y/n: Right and I wouldn't call 4 four of them my friends.

Sylan: What do you mean by that?

Y/n: You know the members of team RWBY?

Sylan: Yes, I'm listening.

Y/n: We're all a thing now.

He looked confused along with his son and then he gets what you meant by that.

Sylan: I get it now. You're man like your brother.

Y/n: I guess that you could out it like that. I think that it would be fair.

Sylan: And just for you know, I won't be the only family member that you will be seeing in Atlas. I'm sure that there will be many demote familiar faces that will be waiting for. And if you manage to come back, please come and visit us again soon.

There was a beeping coming right from his pocket.

Sylan: I guess that I will be off at work now.

He looked at Adrian.

Sylan: Off to Day care you go and Saphron will be bringing Denicia and Tayla to day care as well. I promise you all that it won't be long.

He waled away with Adrian. You smiled to see how he is really a nice guy and how he will take pride off helping his family but you can't be happy for long now cause Oscar is still missing. You watched all around the town, yelling his name and there is still no sign of him. While you were yelling, you accidentally bumped into someone and that person was Ruby.

Y/n: Hey Rubes. Still no sign of Oscar right?

Ruby: No. and to make things even worse, Uncle Qrow is not even in the right condition right now.

Y/n: I know, he can be the really hard head right now. I think that I will be staying close from drinking right now cause it will really mess you up right in the head. I guess that I had to learn that out the hard way by the way. I guess that I wasn't thinking when I did that.

Ruby: So what do you wanna do when we find Oscar?

Y/n: I don't know. Maybe we can take the time to sit back and relax and maybe we can watch a movie. If that is okay by you.

Ruby: Yeah, I think that it would be okay after all of the troubles that we have gone through.

Y/n: Yeah, I think that would be for the best. I mean, we are the fighters that are going through all the troubles of making sure that these Grimm stay where thy cane from but I don't think that would be happen.  Maybe if we continue to do what se best it will all be over now. We are warriors of justice and peace and we cannot give up until there is hope in the world. We would rather die a hero than live as a coward by the enemy's mercy.

RWBY x Male reader volume 6Where stories live. Discover now