Chapter 7

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The day was going just fine. You along with the rest of your team were lying there in bed and slept peacefully. You wish that it would had last longer but you can't all have good things. There was a really loud horn that blew right in the room to wake you all up. Turns out that the person that blew the horn was your brother.

Sylan: Rise and shine! You don't want to miss your big day do you?

Y/n: I see that you are the still same old you.

Sylan: Don't blame me. I'm just doing what I should to keep you all up. And I know that you can't do a mission on an empty stomach. Allow us to whip you something up so that you can have bough energy that could keep you supplied on the trip.

Y/n: That's nice. I hope you are great of a cook.

Sylan: Well, I have to warn you, I'm not all that good. I have my two lovely assistants that could help but things could get really terrible at sometime. But I will do the very best that I could.

The rest of the team look happy that they are getting some treat before the mission. You turned your attention to Oscar.

Y/n: So Oscar, what's your though on all of this? It have to be tough sometimes. Just taking the fall for everything that Ozpin has done?

Oscar: I don't know what to say. He hid a lot of everyone and then he just gone like that without an answer that could be said for all of us. But I am making a choice. I choose to fight for others and what is right. And I choose to save the world from what danger awaits all of us. If I were to die, I would do it for a good cause.

Y/n: That's the spirit Oscar. And just for you, you have friends who are supporting you. Isn't that right Ruby?

Ruby: yeah.

There is a loud growl coming from somewhere in the room.

Y/n: Is that a Grimm I hear?

Some of the others pulled out and readied their weapon.

Yang: Guys, relax. It's just my stomach. Maybe a quick bite would do the trick.

Y/n: Well be sure to give thanks to my brother since it was his idea to cook for us.

The steam from the kitchen room was getting into the bedroom. Now you could smell the food even more. Now that is what got you drooling. It even gotten Ruby drooling as well. You know that the food is gonna be good. Well, an empty stomach will be a huge problem. Once you were downstairs, you were greeted by the tray of food.

Jaune: Thank you. But you really didn't have to do all of this for us.

Sylan: Come on, I have to do something for you before your very big mission.

Y/n: This smells wonderful. You know, I thought that it was really great of you do this for us and-

Ruby: Just shut up, there's food!

Everyone we're all seated. Blake looked at one of the dish. The dish that had caught her attention, made her drool a lot. It was a couple off fishes. And after the big feast, everyone we're all satisfied and we're holding their stomach sickly.

Jaune: It's your fault... for making your food so delicious.

Y/n: Hey vomit, don't give up. We all have faith in you.

Jaune: Alright, could you knock it off with the nicknames because I feel really sick now?

What echoed in the house was a really loud belch. It was from Nora.

Jaune: Nora, gross.

Y/n: Gross but I would say that it would make a great weapon.

Jaune: Just thinking of it makes me sick even more. But there is no stopping her I guess.

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