Chapter 9

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There were now two giant Grimm that were roaming all around the city and this is gonna be all your fault. You knew that stealing from Atlas military was a bad idea from the start and now there are people's lives that are in danger because you stole from them. You turned your sight right on Ruby,

Y/n: Well, I just hope that you could live with yourself after all of this.

Ruby: Y/n....

Y/n: I don't want to hear it. We did this to these people. People are gonna die all because of us breaking the laws.

Ruby: Y/n we didn't have any other choice. We did t want to steal from them but we didn't have any other choice.

Y/n: No other choice you say? I could have think of some other way that we could make it out of here. Maybe we could have kindly ask for a lift out of here of here or maybe my brother could have find away out of here but I bet that none of you consider don't you guys.

Ruby: I'm sorry that things turned out like this but I promise that it will be better.

Y/n: Well we're gonna have to make up for all of this and it isn't gonna be pretty.

And what happened next is that Yang and Blake came running. Blake was missing her coat.

Y/n: We're have you guys been?

Before they could get the chance to answer you, the roar and sounds of the Grimm was the thing that caught their attention.

Yang: Was that a giant Grimm?

Weiss: Yes, and we just took out the thing capable of stopping them.

Y/n: Great. That is just great guys. In addition to breaking the law, we somehow manage to make the situation worse by endangering the lives of many people. I suppose that we don't have any time to lash out at each other. Now come on, we have to go.

Before you went ahead, you grabbed Blake by the hand.

Y/n: Blake, I was so worried. Please never worry me like that again.

Blake: I'll try.

You guys all boarded the aircraft. You didn't want to do this and you were so right for not wanting to do this because people's lives are now in jeopardy'.

Y/n: Okay, do anyone of you have any idea what we could do now?

Ruby: I don't know but there is a high chance that we could do something.

Maria: If you ask me, the other choice we have right now is getting the lamp to Atlas. That is still our primary target.

Y/n: You seriously can't mean that right now because we are just gonna be leaving all of these people to die.

Maria: This may be our only opportunity. We may not be able to get another chance like this.

Weiss: No. we aren't leaving. Not like this.

Blake: Like you said. We as huntresses must protect others still the end.

Y/n: That is why we are here to protect others. We aren't leaving at all. We did this to these people.

Taking another good look at the Grimm, you decided to think of something that you could take down the two Grimm.

Y/n: I have an idea. It have to do with Silver eyes. I bet that I can do it too.

Ruby: That isn't that simple.

Y/n: What do you mean? Won't you have simply use your silver eyes and theme brushing would all be over.

Ruby: No, it's just that there have to be something that could trigger it.

Y/n: Like what? What kind of ideas do you have that could be able to trigger entire eyes.

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