
9.9K 447 296

Jungkook: fuck

Jungkook: fuck

Jungkook: fuck

Jungkook: I regret my life decisions

Jungkook: can I abort myself at 19

Seokjin: *gasp*

Seokjin: what's up skinny

Jungkook: I

Jungkook: almost

Jungkook: exposed

Jungkook: myself

Seokjin: sis your always exposing yourself

Seokjin: why's it different this time

Jungkook: Acdjgh

Jungkook: bye

Seokjin: also why are you typing one word each text

Jungkook: cos

Jungkook: I

Jungkook: can

Jungkook: I'm

Jungkook: stressed

Seokjin: ily and all but it's hella annoying

Seokjin: just text normally

Jungkook: ughhhhh

Jungkook: fine

Jungkook: so back to how I exposed myself

Seokjin: did you expose yourself to seojoon

Jungkook: what

Seokjin: Tae was on about that he introduced you to

Jungkook: I haven't even text him

Jungkook: I don't like him

Seokjin: then how did your bitch ass expose yourself

Jungkook: I blame hobi

Seokjin: wig 😳

Seokjin: what did he do

Jungkook: he was telling me about this game

Jungkook: and then I was playing it with Tae

Seokjin: 😏😏😏😏

Jungkook: osnsksnsjsnsn

Jungkook: not like that

Seokjin: how is it hobis fault

Jungkook: I mean it isn't

Jungkook: I just don't want to admit that fact that I almost exposed myself on my own terms

Seokjin: queen

Seokjin: own up to your own problems

Jungkook: but like it's bad

Seokjin: what happened

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