ch. 17 • a pryce to pay

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"I'll get straight to it. So, I've heard about you asking Roman to deposit some money?" I said.

"Roman never seemed like the type to bring his professional problems home to his wife. Doesn't that sound strange? Roman has a wife. Quite unsettling," Pryce shook his head.

"Don't change the topic, Johann. What's that all about?" I planted my feet into the ground.

"Well, I think it's best to just tell you. It's not like anyone would believe what you say. I have a secret lab your husband has no clue about. No one here except Olivia does. Do you know what I do there?"

I stood still and looked at Pryce with suspicious, squinted eyes.

"Illegal work. Research and experiments I would never be given a permit for. All under his nose."

"Why? Why are you biting the hand that feeds you?" I asked.

"Huh, feeds me? Did Roman mistakenly paint a picture of me being a feeble, weak scientist in need of money? Little girl, I don't know who you are, but you're treading along dangerous waters." 

I rolled my eyes and then looked at Pryce. "For starters, why don't you stop sounding so arrogant. Second, I'm here to tell you Roman isn't going to give you a penny more than he should. And I'm going to tell him about what you're doing."

"Oh really? Did he forget to mention what happens if he backs out?" Pryce said, unbothered about everything I just mentioned.

"Yes he did. You are giving him blood substitutes or else I'm going to call Olivia."

"Olivia is practically dead. She can't do anything. Besides, you calling her will prove to be your loss, considering what happened a few weeks ago," Pryce scoffed.

I knew Roman was hiding something. I had no idea Pryce knew too. But besides the point. I had to answer him.

"I'm going to get higher authorities involved and shut down your lab if you stop giving Roman what he needs. And put down your demand. Am I clear?"

"Or else? Actually, wait on that. Let me tell you what I know about you. You and Roman do not like each other. In fact, you cannot stand each other at all. You want to continue schooling, and all he is to you is a donor. And all you are to him is a burden and a way to get on the investors' good sides. Was all this accurate?" Pryce smirked, pleased with himself.

I wanted to punch him right then but had to keep my cool. If Pryce wanted it to go this way, I would have to use my brains. And possibly give him something he wants.

"Believe whatever you want to. Olivia probably fed you that information, but you and I both know what a lowly person she is." I paused for a second, debating whether I should go ahead with what I thought of.

I drew my breath and said, "I have a proposal."

Pryce looked at me, mildly amused.

"I have been doing some research myself. Taking inspiration from your blood substitutes and incorporating some other things into it. If I go ahead and give the patent and rights to you once I'm done, will you stop blackmailing Roman?"

"Is this an actual offer?" Pryce looked interested.


"How about you shutting down my lab?"

"You'll be safe, Pryce," I sighed and said.

"I'll think about it. A pleasant proposition, Mrs. Godfrey. I look forward to hearing more from you."

With that, Pryce flashed a fake smile, brushed off his suit, and headed out of his office. Roman came in almost immediately after, looking concerned.

"Tell me about it in the car. It's not safe here," Roman mumbled.

Roman practically rushed through the rest of the "tour" and soon enough, we were in his car headed back.

"What did he say? What did you say?" he asked. The anxiousness in his voice was giving away every emotion in him.

"I have a feeling Pryce will stop bothering you."

" Liana, what did you do? I swear if you-"

"Roman, it was a deal. I'm not in the mood to spill details. Besides, agreements are confidential." I smirked, remembering what he said after his encounter with Olivia.

"If anything happens to my company, you'll regret acting so smart," Roman said, driving fast.

"Whatever you want to think. Your company's not going to sink. And I was trying to help. If you don't want it, I can always go back and tell Pryce the deal's off and that he shouldn't just ask you for 40 grand but 80." How ungrateful can a person be.

I stopped talking and scrolled mindlessly through my phone instead. Roman didn't say anything else. I was glad he didn't because the last thing I wanted to hear right now was arrogance and entitlement dripping from his voice.

just for a bloody contract  | Roman Godfrey auWhere stories live. Discover now