Chapter 1 🌘 Where Am I

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Abigail's pov.

I feel a sharp pain in my head. My eyelids feel so heavy I can't open them. I groan in pain. My body feels so weak.

What's going on with me? I listen but don't hear anything around me. My eyes slowly flutter open. God, I'm so tired it's hard to keep them open. I let my eyes travel around me not moving my head the slightest bit.

My breath gets stuck in my throat. Sudden fear washes over me. How did I get here? Where is here? Why does my damn head hurt so bad? My hearts pumping so hard I feel every thump it makes in my aching head.

The rooms so dark it looks like some kinda metal box with no windows. Think Abigail think! How did you get here? I try to sit up it hurts like hell. I must have been drugged. I'm so scared. Tears start flowing from my eyes non-stop. I don't know how long I've been here. My mom oh God my mom.

I cover my mouth with my hand and try to quiet my sobs. I don't want to alert my abductors or whoever I'm awake. I reach up and wipe my tears away on the back of my sleeve. I need to see if I can find a way out of here. I slowly set up. The blood pounding in my head. I grab my head between my hands trying to make it stop. More tears come to my eyes. Come on Abigail we need to find a way out of here. I chant to myself.

I pull my legs over the side of the bed I'm on. I feel nauseous. My stomach feels like acid. I take deep breaths until I feel I can stand without spewing my stomach contents all over the place. I'm sure that would be heard and alert whoever has me in this place.

I gently stand to my feet feeling wobbly and my whole body's shakey. My breathing heavy. My heart still thunders away. My head oh God my head. Please, God, help me get out of here. I don't want to stay here. I don't want to know who put me here. I just want to go home. God, please let me go home.

I have never been this scared in my whole seventeen years of life! I slowly start dragging my feet across the floor so I can get to one of the walls and try to feel my way out. My breathings so hard I feel scared to death someone will hear me. What if they kill me? No Abigail! Don't think like this. If they were going to kill you you'd be dead already. Right? I don't know!

I have my arms and fingers stretched out so I don't slam into the wall when I find it. Finally, my fingers touch the cold metal surrounding the room or cell I woke in. Oh my, God! I start having a flashback.

I was walking down the road from my friend Tiffy's house it's not a heavily trafficked road. No houses between hers and mine all that's in between is the woods. She lives two hundred yards from my house. That's all I can remember before waking up here.

Tears form and start descending down my cheeks again. Oh God please don't let me die. Please don't let me die! I pray over an over in my head. I start to feel along the wall trying to find something anything to help me get out of here.

After a while, I don't know what to do. I make my way back over to the bed and ball myself up and cry as softly as I can. I never even found a door. No seams. Nothing!

I doze back off after some time I don't know how long I've been here. Sleep takes me.

I wake in a jolt when a bright light perished through my shut eyelids. I jump up immediately and run into a corner and ball myself up there. I'm terrified! I start crying frantically no longer able to hide my loud sobs.

Two men appear in the room about ten feet from me. I go to ask why I'm here who they are but I'm no longer in control of my self. I can't open my mouth. I'm not even crying anymore. My body has completely stopped shaking as if someone ordered it. I can't even move my fingers or blink my eyes. The huge scary guys glowing eyes are trained on me. He's in a uniform of some sort. I'm terrified my heart thumping wildly.

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