Chapter 9 🌘 Alien's

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Abigail's pov.

"Mom everything's fine I'm fine see."

I can tell she's not convinced.

"I know but you worried me. You should have called. We never go this long without speaking."

She right.


She's always right.

"It won't happen again I promise mom."

I smile at her lovingly.

With all my love.

I can't think of anyone else I've ever loved other than her.

I've loved her since I can even remember.

She's my everything.

"You better keep that promise!"

I laugh at her trying to be all tuff.

"I will."

I nod to her.

"Well, you better or I'll hunt your butt down hun and kiss you to death."

We both laugh at this.

She more than likely would.

I wonder how she thinks she'll find me without a flighter pod.

"How would you know where I'm at?"

I'm a smart ass I know.

Butt she loves my smart ass and all.

"I'm your mother don't forget that Abigail."

"I won't I love you."

"I love you too babe I gotta go I'm having dinner with a friend tonight and need to get fixed up."

She winks at me.

Oh shit!

My mom has a date?


"You have a daye with who?"

"No time for all that sweety. Bye-bye talk tomorrow."

She blows me a kiss and the device I see her on goes black as night.


Why didn't she tell me who?

What's she hiding?


I sit there a minute looking at the screen.

I miss her like I'd miss my leg if it were blown off.

I sigh sadly.

At least I can see her face now.

I don't know how that sneaky alien pulled it off but he did!

"Ma'am you should get some rest we will be arriving in planet X in a few hours."

"Oh my God, I almost forgot all about that Evack!"

What will happen?

Will the kill me?

Turn me into a sacrifice?

What if there weird like dogs and sniff your butt?

Oh no, I'd die for sure!

No butt-sniffing for this girl!

This sure can worry a girl.

"Ma'am please get some rest nothing to worry about like I've said the captain will take care of it all."

My Possessive Alien ZolkWhere stories live. Discover now