Chapter 23 🌒 Peace Treaty

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Abigail's pov.

I was escorted by Lizard spatter Arvick to the central control area for my one chance only phone call.

To say I'm nervous is a heavy understatement I'm way beyond that.

"Call your dog bitch."

Arvick sneers at me.

"I don't have a dog."

I say aggravated.

"Just make the fucking call."

He growls.


I smile.

"Please place the call through so I may speak with him."

I watch as he puts in some codes.

I hear some random beeps.

I wait.

"You fucked up now you must all die."


"Abigail? Are you harmed in any way?"

"No. Their willing to reestablish the peace treaty that many years ago got ruined then let us all free. Everyone."

"How do I know this is not some scam? Then they kill my beloved Queen. How?"

He says angrily.

I understand his hesitation.

"Zolk it's Simon. Don't you want your Queen safe and how about your men? You can end this all by making sure we have a peace treaty that doesn't end badly this time. I will marry a sister of your choosing and return your belongings immediately after the wedding is done."

Where did he come from I wonder?

"You should have not stolen what belongs to me. You will have your fucking peace treaty if you harm even a hair on my mate's head I will personally see yours off and don't forget you will surrender all men, everyone.


I feel relieved.

I actually thought he'd change his mind and not go along with it for a sec.

"When shall we have the wedding?"

"Today obviously. I want what's mine. I will let you know what time to arrive."


Simon says hurriedly.

"We will have this wedding only on my ship only you and my Queen will arrive. I will not have history repeat itself."


"Fine. My Queen better be present or I won't be able to control what happens to you all. You underestimate me that's your mistake."

"I will stay where we're at I will see when you are close. Once you aboard we will flash to another sight and have the wedding so I know I won't be ambushed."


The call ends.

"How long do you think it will take for him to return?"

"I say he will flash there and speak to a sister of his and flashback within four hours."

I nod.

Four hours better than none.

I need to hold my daughter.

The thought of her alone once I left was terrifying.

I miss her terribly.

My Possessive Alien ZolkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora