Chapter 5 🌘 Confusion

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Abigails pov.

"What can I do all day Evack stay stuck in this room board as hell?" I question my assigned robot. He seems to be assigned to me or so I think.

"Tomorrow I will give you the tour of your ship. How does that sound ma'am?" Immediately I think here's my chance to explore and plan my next escape. The thought sending nervous flutters to my tummy making me extremely happy!

"Wait...did you say my ship?" If this robot were human he'd be ready to tell me how to escape with my one million questions but he never gets tired never loses his cool.

"Yes, the captain had this ship made for the two of you as one of you two's wedding gifts ma'am."

Well, this is kinda weird. It's hard to understand Zolk he's an Alien of little words a puzzle. There's still so much I don't understand. Like why choose me? Why not his own kind if he's so well-loved in the galaxy? I can only imagine how much his kind will hate me if this goes through. I let out a sigh.

I go into the bathroom an start brushing through this tangled mess I made.

"Where are we going now?" I ask Evack who's just standing in my room like an Alexa answering all my thoughts. I have to admit he's better than her.

"We are en route to the planet X we should arrive in approximately four days twenty minutes and thirteen seconds." He so roboted me. I shake my head.

"What are we doing on planet X?" I ask.

"Captian will announce to his father King Zerk of his chosen mate and hope he gets his favor ma'am." Really! That's insane!

"Are you telling me his father doesn't know already? What if he doesn't get his favor?" Now I'm feeling a bit panicky. What if I can't get back to Earth and he doesn't get his needed approval then what? I'm killed? I'm sent to another plant with different weirdo's?

"No, he doesn't know yet. Not to worry ma'am the captain will take care of everything." Was that supposed to make me feel better? Zolk doesn't even know me! I'm supposed to trust him with my life? I only have one. I start to braid my hair to the side in a fishtail it's time-consuming and somewhat soothing my nerves.

"If his fathers a King does that make him...what?" I'm sure they want me to marry their son. I think sarcastically! A human nothing special no powers no glowy eyeballs!

"Prince Zolk of X ma'am" Ugh, I knew it I just didn't want to hear it! Whether I like it or not I'm dependent on Zolk right now. I can't protect myself from aliens! I have no business being up here! God, why is this all happening to me! I finish my braid and walk back into my now cell of a room and plop down on my bed.

"Will he send me back to Earth if I'm not accepted as his wife?" I ask hopeful but knowing the window to return to earth is so tiny I can't help but feel a bit shattered.

"Don't worry ma'am the captain has everything under control." That seems to always be his answer. I mentally slap myself. Of course, they wouldn't want me to know the truth. He's just a fucken robot probably programmed to tell me what I want to hear. Sounds like a real man I laugh to myself. I close my eyes and relax where I lay spread across the bed.

"Evack you're released." My eyes fly open to see Zolk standing in front of the chest at the foot of the bed eyes trained on me. Evack was gone as soon as the command left his lips.

I begin to float up hovering over the bed about a foot my body's turned head towards my pillow. I watch as the covers are pulled back by the same force that has me floating. My body slowly brought down head on my pillow and the covers are placed over me. Then I'm released from his force on my body.

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