𝘦𝘮𝘰 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘺|𝘽𝙊𝙆𝙐𝙏𝙊ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ

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"fukurodani! fukurodani!" the crowd wasn't losing hope, unlike Bokuto. they were just three points behind and that was alright, only if Bokuto didn't lose those three points. he was jumpy and his emo part was taking over. the ball hit the ground next to Bokuto as his other spike got blocked and he landed with a pout on his face after the whistle went off.

"fukurodani has requested time out!" the referee's voice cut through the gym and the team gathered around their coach at the bleachers.

"we need to calm down boys. focus on their blocks, there is a pattern in it..." the coach tried to encourage the boys but everyone knew what is about to come. Bokuto brought one of his hands to his face and stretched the other one in front of him in a dramatic pose.

"don't toss to me, Akaashi!" he whined while everyone sighed at the emo Bokuto in front of them.

"alright, i won't." Akaashi just shrugged and sipped out of his water bottle. Bokuto was left shocked for a moment but then pouted even more and stepped aside while the coach talked to the other teammates.

the thing about Bokuto's emo self was that the team now knew about a cure you could say. the cure was you. whenever you attended their matches, Bokuto always did his best in front of his girlfriend who was cheering like crazy for him. but this time, you were stuck at school because your experiment blew up in the lab and you had to stay late to clean up.

"how does it look?" Akaashi whispered towards Shirofuku who was hiding her phone behind her clipboard with an open chat with you. the last texts were from you saying that you are stuck at school and then Shirofuku texting that Bokuto is in his emo phase now. Akaashi leaned over the manager's shoulder to see that you were currently texting your response.

"she's on her way," Shirofuku whispered and Akaashi nodded, handing her his water bottle and wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

"i guess all you can do now is not toss to him," Shirofuku suggested to which the setter just nodded as he watched the sulking ace.

"bring her here as soon as possible. we will probably lose the second set anyway." Akaashi added before the whistle went off and they went back on the court with the silent emo Bokuto. Shirofuku nodded and ran out of the gym to wait for you in front of the arena. even though the crowd cheered as hard as they could, Akaashi kept tossing to Konoha for the rest of the second set but they indeed lost it. the other team looked more powered up after they won the second set while Bokuto looked like he's about to dissolve and become one with the ground. the team gathered around the benches again and the coach gave them supporting words about winning the third set.

Suzumeda nervously tapped her leg on the floor as Shirofuku still hasn't come back with you. the team was becoming nervous. as much as they tried to keep up their posture, they knew they can't win without Bokuto. and the only way for him to come back was you.

"(y/n)!" Shirofuku exclaimed once she saw you running towards the arena with your white lab coat still on but it nicely added to your outfit. you finally met with the third year and leaned against your knees to catch your breath but she didn't give you time for that as she grabbed your elbow and dragged you inside and through the crowded halls.

"am i late?" you asked out of breath as you reached the stairs which lead towards the crowd cheering for fukurodani. once you reached the top of the stairs, you turned around to see her at the bottom, about to go back to the court.

"the third set is about to start, make sure to catch your breath!" she winked at you to which you smiled and she took off, same as you but both of you in different directions. the team was already going back on the court after the whistle and Shirofuku came back just in time to nod at Akaashi, signaling that you made it. you made your way through the crowd to the railing. people let you go mainly because they recognized you and they too knew you are needed now. you stood on the railing and leaned over the edge, watching your sulking boyfriend walk on the court. the whistle went off and just before the other team had time to serve, you took a deep breath before yelling.

"Kotaro! do your best!" the silver-haired third year lifted his head to look up and saw you, smiling with a determined face and that white lab coat over your shoulders with your eyes glowing. at that moment, he rose back up, stretching his shoulders and grinning widely.

"Akaashi!" he yelled once his teammate received the ball. the setter did nothing but smile softly as Bokuto was now using all of his stamina to jump as high as possible. Akaashi gave him a rather quick toss and Bokuto gathered all of his strength in that spike, bringing the ball down with full force, the other team completely dumbfounded about what just happened. the whistle went off and Bokuto cheered loudly together with the crowd and you of course.

"that's my boyfriend! yes!" the crowd looked at you with gentle smiles. you were rather a crazy girlfriend when it came to fukurodani's matches but that's what Bokuto loves about you. you continued to clap and cheer until Bokuto locked his eyes with you and winked at you, making you blush crazily. fukurodani won the third set in the speed of light with their ace back on his feet and soon they were saying their thank yous to the other team. you ran down the stairs in the hall where you already saw the team walking out of the courts. you smiled once Bokuto saw you and ran towards you with his arms open and he swooped you in the air. he spun around with you and laughed, his body filled with adrenalin and enthusiasm from the victory.

"hey!" he said once he brought you back down and gave you a rather passionate kiss to which all of his teammates whined and started to walk out.

"ew, you're sweaty!" you scrunched your nose after Bokuto let you go and grabbed your hand, swaying them back and forth as you walked out of the arena.

"and you're...chemical!" Bokuto struggled to find the right word to which you started to laugh. Bokuto didn't care how stupid it sounded as long as he got to hear your laugh. it was amazing how your presence changed him in a matter of seconds. that's why you couldn't afford to miss a single one of his matches. the chances of him going emo were simply too high, even higher after you two started dating and you attending his matches.

"you're not even using that word correctly!" you said between laughs to which Bokuto just smiled and wiped off a black smudge on your forehead, him assuming it's from the mess you caused in the lab. you blushed at his action, looking away but he quickly brought your head back up to give you a soft short kiss.

"come on you two! or we'll leave you here!" Shirofuku yelled from the team bus where most of the kids were already inside, waiting for you lovebirds to catch up.

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