Hello Sweetheart

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A knock appeared on the door. Iris was busy taking a nap so I made the choice to open the door and in front of me stood my mother and father.

"Hello, sweetheart," my mother said. She gave me a warm smile. Is it really her?

"M-mom?" I asked.

"It's me baby. It's momma," my mother explained, giving me a hug. I hesitated to hug her back but I gave in and hugged her tightly. Tears filled my eyes as I looked at my father. I pulled away from that hug and ran over to my father, crying in his arms.

It felt like a dream to finally have them in my arms, to be able to hug my mom and dad. I've wished for this very moment and now that it's here I can't even comprehend it.

"Who's there?" Iris' voice trailed off. I pulled away from the hug looking at Iris. My mother walked over to Iris introducing herself.

"Hi, I'm Katrina," my mother introduced. Iris and her shaked hands. I watch sadness cover Iris' face. Why is she sad?

Shortly after, Iris asked me to leave the room. I grabbed my homework and went upstairs. In the bedroom I sleep in, I sat all my homework down on the floor. I started to do my homework but all I could think of was my parents.

What are they talking about? Is Iris making stuff up to push them away? What if they leave again and never come back? I slammed my book shut in frustration. I have got to focus, I cannot fail my grade, I just can't.

I decided to start working on my math homework. It was hard to stop the racing questions going through my mind but I finished at least all my math sheets.

I have to finish an essay on the book we read for English so I began on that. I typed and typed until my fingers cramp and my mouth became dry. I finished the essay and ran down the stairs.

There sat my parents as they stopped talking from my presents. "I'm just getting a drink."

Iris nodded as my parents smiled. I grabbed a bottle of water and ran upstairs but right in the middle of the staircase I heard my mother's voice.

"I love you," she called after me. Those words made my butterflies fill with in my stomach.

"I-I love you too, mom," I said before running into the bedroom. I placed all my school work in my backpack and placed it near the door.

Just then I laid on the floor, closing my eyes. I let my mind open and my thoughts take over. What if my parents came back because they wanted something such as money? Why did they come just now?

Some of the questions that went through my mind didn't make sense. Why would they come back just for money? I guess I'm just so worried that my parents came back for other reasons that my mind will make up any excuse just for my fear to come true.

A knock came from the door as I quickly opened my eyes. I sat up and saw my mother so I eased a little.

"Hi," I said. My mother walked in and sat beside me on the floor.

"You've gotten so much prettier," my mother announced, playing with my hair.

"Yeah, I guess," I stated. My mother gave me a smile.

"Do you have any questions for me? I know you must have plenty running through that big brain of yours," she joked. We both chuckled.

"Why haven't you come and got us sooner?" I questioned, looking at her as she stopped playing with my hair. She took a deep breath before responding.

"Your father and I haven't come back because we thought you'd be better off with your grandfather," mom confessed. Are you serious?

"Why would you even think that?!"

Anger washed over me! Being forced to become a parent is not a better life than what I had before!

"I thought you would like him better because he didn't struggle with bills or didn't struggle with paying rent," mom admitted. I calmed down at my mother's admittment. I got the explanation I've wanted so how could I be mad?

"Okay, I'm sorry for yelling," I apologized.

"No, no baby you had the right to yell," mom clarified. I nodded before taking a drink of my fresh cold water. "Iris, said that if you and your siblings want then you guys can move back in with us."

My body tensed at those words. I should be happy but instead I'm not. I don't know what to describe the feeling. Fear, confusing? I know I've wanted to move back to my parents but now that I get the choice I don't know.

Should I live with the people that raised me for fourteen years or the family that took me in and have been by side when I needed them the most? This is honestly one of the hardest decisions of my life and I don't know if I'll make the right choice. 

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