Home Inspection

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As I was braiding Sophie's hair, I heard the doorbell come from the downstairs door. I quickly finished doing her hair and ran downstairs to see an Asian man stand in my doorway, with Iris in front of him.

"Hi, I'm Kuma, I'll be inspecting the home to make sure it's suitable for the children to live in," the inspector described.

"Okay, come on inside," Iris said, as she stepped aside, giving Kuma enough room to walk inside.

"You have a beautiful home, ma'am," Kuma complimented, as he looked around the living room.

"Thank you," Iris replied. After, Kuma wrote something down on his checkboard before walking into the kitchen. He wrote some more stuff down as he walked through each and every room.

Everything seemed to go well until Kuma walked into Leanna, Alena, Sophie, Luka, and I's bedroom.

"Ummm, where does L-Luka sleep?" Kuma asked, facing Iris. I stood just above the stairs, looking towards the bedroom.

"H-he sleeps in here with the girls," Iris informed.

"You know that's illegal, right?" Kuma questioned.

"Yes, sir but it is only temporary. A new bed will arrive and Luka will share a room with Nolan," Iris clarified.

Kuma wrote some stuff down on his clipboard, "I'm going to let you pass; however I will check in three days to make sure Luka is sleeping with Nolan," Kuma explained.

"Thank you," Iris said. Kuma finished going through each and every room. At the end of the house inspection, Kuma demanded that Luka needed to share a room with Nolan instead of with me and the girls.

It's dumb how important it is for Luka to share a room with Nolan. He's five, what is wrong with a five-year-old sharing a room with us girls who aren't going to do anything with him? Though, it ain't any of my business I just think it's stupid. 

Author Note:

Don't forget I am doing a Q&A at the end of this book. If you have any questions about myself or based on this book, please comment or send me a message. 

As always thank you all so much for reading! 

-TyLynn 💜

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