The McCoy Family

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I would have never thought that my life would ever be how it is today. I've gone through having an alcoholic guardian, being homeless, and living with a family that wasn't mine.

My life has changed so much over the past 12 months. Reggie's got a girlfriend; however, I'm still single. I've increased my grades finally to straight A's and I've been in the spelling bee for my first ever time.

Today I was forced to leave school early to go to court. We'll officially know for sure if Luka, Sophie, and I can be adopted by the McCoy family.

In a way I'm pretty sure that the adoption will be accepted; meanwhile, I can't say for sure. My stomach had butterflies the entire car ride and the minute I stepped inside the courtroom I thought I was going to throw up.

When I sat down on the seats I instantly started to pick at my nails, a nervous habit of mine.

"Hello, I'm glad to see each and every one of you back here today. Has everything been going good so far?" Willow questioned.

Everyone nodded and she continued to explain how she and the government decided to evaluate this adoption.

"From what I have seen nothing has happened to make me have to decline this adoption; however Iris McCoy have you made the bedroom arrangements?"

Iris stood up before responding, "Yes ma'am we made those arrangements months ago."

"Okay," Willow dug through her file, "Oh I see it now."

Iris nodded, still standing. All I want to know is if the adoption was accepted or declined. I don't care about anything else honestly.

"Well, Gabriella Zane Felix, Luka Ash Felix, and Sophie Elise Felix, you are now officially a McCoy!" Willow informed.

Tears filled my eyes as I jumped up with happiness. Iris hugged me and I couldn't help but have tears run down my face. She looked at me with tears in her green eyes. Each and everyone one of us hugged one another.

"Congratulations!" Willow shouted in happiness.

"Thank you!" all of us yelled back.

I looked over at my father who stayed sitting, looking down at his feet. I walked over to him and when I stepped in from of him, he looked at me with his brown eyes and smiled with his straight white teeth.

"Hi darling," my dad whispered. I instantly gave him a tight hug. He hesitated before hugging me back just as tight.

"Thank you, Dad," I whispered. My dad kissed me on the cheek before pulling away from the hug to look at me. He grabbed the present that sat beside him.

My father handed the gift over to me and when I opened the purple box, there laid a picture of me and him when I was five years old.

The both of us had just got done making a 5 pieced puzzle. I hadn't seen this picture in so long.

"You were so little and now you've turned into the young lady I've always known you would be," my dad said, fighting off the urge to cry.

I smiled as I stared at the picture, memorizing over that beautiful memory.

Author Note: 

This is the last chapter of the book. Thank you all so much for reading my story. You will never understand how much I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you to everyone who voted and added my book to their reading list, it means the world to me and shows that you enjoy my book. 

I love each and every one of you readers and I hope that this book brought you all knowledge and entertainment. 

The next chapter that I will be posting is the Q&A. I'll probably post that chapter sometime this week or maybe next week, so if you still have any questions, please feel free to ask. 


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