Court Day

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In order for Iris and Carter to legally adopt us we have to go through an entire process, starting off with attending a court date. Prior to this Iris had to fill out a ton of paperwork, explaining her and Carter's interest in adopting us.

Today will be the first time I've seen my parents since the argument we had. I can understand how my mother must feel at this moment. She's probably really angry; however I'm not changing my mind.

Carter along with Iris, will be trying their hardest to get full custody of us and that's what I want. I want to live with them and be a part of their adorable family.

"Whenever you're ready we'll be leaving," Carter explained. I gave him a nod as I finished touching up my hair. I decided to wear a long dark blue dress with my hair in a high ponytail, with a pair of sandals.

I left the bathroom, grabbed my phone, and went outside. Everyone was already in the car when I sat in the back seat. Due to the car being so small, Carter's planning on buying a van so we can all not be so smooshed.

Everybody was wearing 'fancy clothes.' Nice dresses, a good pair of jeans, and flannels were worn today.

The court house is a pretty long drive from the house so I began to play some games on my phone, Subway Surfers and Episode before getting a text from Reggie.

Where are you? Are you even at school?

I sighed, Don't you remember? I told you yesterday I won't be at school, I have court

Oh yeah, good luck :)

I turned my cell phone off as I looked out the window. Cars sped past us at 60mph. It seemed as if we were going way too fast but when I looked at the speed limit, we were going just the right.


My heart began to beat at high speeds as I walked through the courthouse doors. What if they deny the adoption? What if we don't get adopted? Negative thoughts filled my mind, as all I could think of was the worse.

Just then, all of us were inside of a courtroom. The judge stood in front of us, guiding me and my family to sit down in the front seats. After we sit down, the court begins. 

The woman, known as the judge, walked up to her stand, taking not even a minute to get everything ready.  Her blonde hair was cut into a pixie cut and her outfit made her honey brown eyes stand out.

"Hello, I'm Willow, I will be taking over this case," the judge explained, "Mr. and Mrs. McCoy, you are both interested in adopting Gabriella, Luka, and Sophie Felix, correct?"

Both Carter and Iris stood up. "Yes," Iris answered, as Carter stayed quiet and looked at Willow. Willow then asked Iris and Carter how long we've been staying with them out of our situation. 

"Okay and are you willing to accept this process or decline, Mr. Felix?" Willow questioned. I looked at my dad from the other groups of seats. The look of pure sadness spread across his face as he looked in my direction as he responded.

"If my kids want to be adopted by Iris and Carter, then yes I accept," my father replied, giving me a small smile. I returned the smile. In a way I am truly shocked that my mother didn't come to this court day; however I expected her not to show up.

"Now, Sophie, Luka, and Gabriella, are you okay with this adoption?" Willow asked. Sophie nodded and so did Luka.

"Yes," I said, facing Willow. In the corner of my eye, I could see my father give a small frown.

"Since, there's no objections, we will continue with the adoption process. Mrs. and Mr. McCoy, be ready for a lot of paperwork. There will be someone who will come and examine your home, plus the adoption cannot be official until the children stay with you for 12 months," Willow clarified.

"That's perfectly fine," Carter justified.

"Are there any questions?"

"Yes, will we be able to see our father?" I wondered.

"We will have to set up some visitation policies," Katrina declared.

"Okay," my father said. Then visitation policies started. Willow explained ways how we can go with the visitation and in the end we all decided that every other Saturday and Sunday we will see our dad. I'm very happy that I at the least had my dad in my life, one of my favorite people.

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