Chapter XIII.

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   In the empty room, only the sound of clear notes of the piano echoed loudly. 

Few days ago, Sally asked me how I wanted to celebrate my birthday with excited voice. As expected, my answer was;

  "I'm not celebrating my birthday."

 It's easy to guess what her reaction was, & today is...

    There was a knock on the door. 

'Come in,' I said while playing; 'Young miss... there's a present from your brother,' Sally said with excitement. She probably thought that I would be more active since it's from my brother I love oh-so-much, but I really couldn't care less. I was getting annoyed by her constantly interrupting my playing time like this.

   'Put it in my room.'

It was the sixteenth time today, & considering the fact that there's only three other people in my family, it's a bit too much.

   'Ah... but young miss, you used to write a letter to your brother on every birthday since he went to...' her confidence faltered, & soon her voice turned into a mumble. I sighed- writing a letter is too hard for me. Ah, but will she stop interrupting my play once I...?



    Hello, brother.

This is your sister, Phoenix. 

      Brother, how is your studies? Are you learning new things? Anyway, I appreciate that you sent me such a nice gift. I hope you are well. And, I also hope you beat your future opponent when the time comes, though I doubt you will.

  Goodbye, I wish you well in your studies, & well being. Don't write a reply to me.

                                                                 Your lovely sister, Phoenix.


   'What? Are you reading something funny?' Alex leered down onto the letter he was reading, but he pulled it out of his vision; 'No. It's a letter from my sister.'

   Alex made a disgusted face; 'Are you going to marry your own sister? Why are you so obsessed with her?'

   'I'm not going to marry my sister, someone who deserves her will. Besides, my sister...'

-Don't write a reply to me, it said. He burst out laughing- it was easy to guess why she would write that. Anyway, he doubted she'd ever marry- she'd probably say;

  'Marriage? I'm too lazy to attend such a thing.'


   Just thinking about her voice in a bored tone saying that made him smile. It was a wonder how she changed completely in the two years he hadn't seen her.


Michael stared out through the window at the night sky; but he didn't dislike the change.


    'Young miss, you'll give a test to the academy your brother's attending two weeks later,' Sally told me as she was brushing my hair; 'Hah. Well so what do I need to do?' I asked with irritated voice.

   'Of course, you need to prepare for it.'

I have a bad feeling about this...


A/N; Oh, wow. Here comes her suffering!

   Today's chapter is short, right? Well... yeah, that's none of my business! Haha... anyway, you guys should sleep early, & stay healthy.

  You shouldn't be like me, who barely ever sleeps, & when she does, wakes up at 5 pm, afternoon. Well, I'm insomniac though... anyway, for insomniac people;

Stimulus control therapy. This method helps remove factors that condition your mind to resist sleep. For example, you might be coached to set a consistent bedtime and wake time and avoid naps, use the bed only for sleep and sex, and leave the bedroom if you can't go to sleep within 20 minutes, only returning when you're sleepy.Relaxation techniques. Progressive muscle relaxation, biofeedback and breathing exercises are ways to reduce anxiety at bedtime. Practicing these techniques can help you control your breathing, heart rate, muscle tension and mood so that you can relax.Sleep restriction. This therapy decreases the time you spend in bed and avoids daytime naps, causing partial sleep deprivation, which makes you more tired the next night. Once your sleep has improved, your time in bed is gradually increased.Remaining passively awake. Also called paradoxical intention, this therapy for learned insomnia is aimed at reducing the worry and anxiety about being able to get to sleep by getting in bed and trying to stay awake rather than expecting to fall asleep.Light therapy. If you fall asleep too early and then awaken too early, you can use light to push back your internal clock. You can go outside during times of the year when it's light outside in the evenings, or you can use a light box. Talk to your doctor about recommendations.


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