Chapter XIV.

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    My head ached- it felt awful, I want to die.

'My lady! This is the last lesson for today, so keep your head up!' Sally exclaimed as she fixed my hair, for the sixth time because I kept slipping off my chair, accidentally. 

  'I give up. Can I just not enter that academy?' I asked, trying to keep my eyes open; 'Of course you can't! If you do, you'll be the ridicule of the century! And so will your family be. Worse, you won't be able to find a marriage partner, & you might become a maid, or something.'

   'I'm fine not marrying, & the lessons are absolutely useless! What the actual heck is flower arrangement, dancing, or embroidery even used for?'

   'Miss, calm down. This is just the basics. Later, there'll be music lessons, history,  etiquette- the academy has many subjects to learn.'

   '...Yeah, just kill me.'

'Miss, you already learned all these things when you were young, it's just recheck, & besides you did quite well on dancing... & also the rest.'

   I could hear her hesitance when she said the rest- my dancing was ok. The teacher said that with her face showing so much bitterness I thought she drank poison, & the rest... was absolutely horrible.

   'Miss, you absolutely must not fail the test. Otherwise your family will lose their dignity as a noble,' Sally said with a heated voice- you're right. I'll definitely fail it, no worries.


(Months after)

       I was really sure I failed it- thinking back, I definitely did. But this envelope before me is telling me a whole different story.

   The test was in may 24th, & it went on for a whole week. However, the answer only came a week ago; July 2nd. I don't know if it's just a coincidence, but the acceptance letter came right on the day I woke up here with no memories at all.

 'Congratulations on getting accepted, Phoeni,' brother said, smiling at me. He came back home as soon as he heard I got accepted- apparently, mother told him by a letter.

   'Here,' he handed me a bouquet of lilies decorated with small blue flowers, & wrapped in golden- it was heavy. 

  'Phoeni?' repeated Selene. Today Selene just happened to be passing by our mansion, & decided to visit me right at this hour, coincidentally. That's total garbage- no way, I'd believe that. She probably heard I got accepted somehow- judging by the bouquet of flowers she brought in & gave me.

    The earrings I gave her on her birthday last time- that's another evidence. Unless she was wearing it every single day, how would it be possible that she had worn them right on this day, & also had a spare bouquet of flowers just lying in her hands?

   'Why don't we eat now?' mother asked, interrupting the argument that hasn't even begun; 'Of course, madam Elan. Again, I really appreciate that you- wait! Phoeni, I want to go with you!' she cried after me.

   'Who are you calling Phoeni?!' brother asked with an irritated voice, making me sigh for the hundredth time today. 

   'It's Phoeni, of course. You're so quick witted, young lord Elan,' she remarked sarcastically.

   'What... you!'

The two kept bickering behind me, & though it was annoying, there was a matter more important at hand; I'm leaving the mansion four days later with brother because he said that newcomers had to arrive at the academy earlier than the other students. At least, it seemed Selene won't be coming with us. Otherwise, I'd have to hear them arguing throughout the ride, these two.

   There barely was a mention about what the students studied in the academy except the fact that the newcomers had to take a courage, & independence test later on but just thinking about all the things I might have to learn at that academy makes me want to die. 

   Tears almost brimmed in my eyes as my hands clenched hard; just kill me.

A/N; well, you guys know that when nothing important is happening, the time skips, right? So, this is it. I might not update daily because... darn, I really want to go back to my childhood when I had nothing to do during summer break. Gosh, those were the days...


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