Chapter XX.

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'How long are you planning to avoid the topic?' I asked nonchalantly, & his face visibly paled.
'I... I'm sorry.'
As he muttered in low voice, I raised my brows: do they owe me money or something? Why is everyone apologizing?
'I left you there-'
'For what?'
Just as I was asking, he opened his mouth, & we both said at the exact same time.
There was an awkward silence.
At that moment, thankfully my dorm number was seen, & we both sighed out of relief... at the same time.
Brother quietly put the luggage inside after I opened the door for him. I busied myself by looking around because I simply can't be bothered by finding a topic to talk about: the room was large, & in structure, seemed like the basic noble's room.
'... What do you think about Ian Vuinter?'
'... He... saved you while...' the rest of his sentence was incoherent murmur bit I didn't notice it because I was trying to remember what happened after.
'What do you think?' he asked again, urging me for an answer.
That irriated me a little: 'Well, he's good looking.'
'Ah... even better than me?' he asked after hesitating a bit: 'He can't even compare to you, brother,' I told him, making his expression brighten visibly.
'Because... I might forget your face if I don't see it for more than 3 days,' I grumbled as I took the luggage up onto the bed: right. There's no maids to work for me here. So, I'll have to do it myself...
'Ah, brother can you help...' but my sentence paused mid-way because I didn't find him there. He was gone.
'Ah... Why did he suddenly disappear?'
I sighed, & fell back onto the bed- the soft mattress sunk in due to my weight.
Though unlike how I would be usually, I didn't feel tired or lazy, rather restless.
Something... like I missed a very important detail...
'... Must be because there's a test 2 days later. Yeah, that's it. I feel nervous because there's a test so soon.'
That's what I told myself anyway, & perhaps that was it. Even so, the feeling...


Before the test, there was the opening ceremony of the academy.
I wasn't particularly curious of what would happen since there wasn't much written about it in the novel. That probably meant that it wasn't an important scene.
As I pulled the brown tie into a small bow, I was finally done changing.
A navy blue box pleated skirt, loose white shirts, brown tie, & short heals- that was the uniform.
It's kind of irritating to change clothes- why can't you just sleep in one cloth, & bath in that same clothes, so that you're actually killing two birds with one stone. While washing your body, you also get to wash your clothes, & then, you don't have to change at all. It's just extra work...
I closed the door behind me quietly, & walked forward- apparently, it seems I woke up a little late. The hall, corridor was empty, & so was the wide staircase.
Ah, where did that woman say the opening ceremony was being held?
Yesterday, they certainly instructed how to get wherever it was being held, & I think I paid great deal of attention to... who am I kidding?
Why the heck would I even bother listening to that?! I was sleeping during the whole thing-
That was when I heard a quite familiar voice:
'Thank you for helping me, I really am no good with directions.'
The cute female voice came from under the wide staircase, & I, who was at the bottom of the stairs, for some reason hid. Actually, the reason was because I vaguely felt that something was about to happen.
'It's alright. You helped me back then after all.'
They, who were talking finally came into my vision.
'Oh, I only distracted them for a little while,' Selene denied modestly.
'But I wonder... we were actually pretty close to the school grounds. So how is it possible that no one noticed the...?'
The male lead, & heroine aren't supposed to be close to this extent in the beginning of the novel... or did I remember wrong?
But... certainly, this meeting wasn't mentioned in the novel?
'... the mage council.'
I tried to listen more carefully, but I couldn't hear well as they were going further away from where I was.
Soon, they had already disappeared. The reason I didn't go after them was because that Ian's senses were absolutely inhumane. Even though he's only a kid now, sensing me who by no means is good at hiding my presence, would be too easy.
That said what where they talking about? Mage council? Helped me back then? There wasn't anything written like that in the original-
'What are you doing here?'
'...?' I looked up behind me...
'I asked what you were doing on the ground before me?' the arrogant sounding normie asked ignorantly.
That said, doesn't he look a bit familiar?
'Hey, don't you know you're supposed to greet, & respond when the royal family member is asking you something?' the kid stared at me disdainfully, & then I finally recognized him.
The insignificant male lead?

A/N: guys, I actually update on sundays, not saturdays. Sorry for the wait~

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