Chapter XXVIII

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'Here. This is my favorite flower,' she puts a pretty yellow calendula on my hand carefully.
'We can put it in the middle,' she points at the vase, & looks around to search for another.
Flower arrangement- as much as it may sound boring, when you're sitting in a beautiful garden, full of different flowers, it turns into a rather relaxing task.
Originally, we were meant to be in a group of five but for some reason, no one approached us- though they glanced at us quite often.
All the flowers were put in a basket neatly, so we don't have to pick them up on our own. Good for me, I guess.
'Don't you have your favorite flower?'
'Do you like any flower in particular?' she repeated her question as she fixed small white flowers which I didn't know the name of into the vase.
Which flower I like?
I looked around: my eyes lingered on delicate pink flowers that were floating on the surface of the water- water lillies. Only for a second though.
'Ok? Yeah, no need to be so serious. Anyway, the reason I like calendula is because one time, my...'
And then she went on talking about herself. Honestly, she was irritating: from the moment we met, she kept on chattering endlessly. From first period, to now. The third class of the day.
However, most of the time I wasn't listening- because her voice always felt like a faint buzz to me. It made me drowsy...
'Hey, you!!' she screamed in shock as my head hit the table hard, & the other groups glanced in our direction. On the contrary, I was totally woken up when my head hit the table.
'If you don't want to listen to me, you can just tell me! You don't have to hit your head to make me quiet-'
'Then shut up.'
She gaped at me in shock- I also covered my mouth: 'Ah, that was a little rude. I meant: please shut up.'
'... I'm sure... that doesn't make it any different but... why does it sound polite with 'please?''
I nodded in agreement: 'I know, it does.'
(A/N: they're idiots.)
   'My brother said I should say please, or sorry when I offend someone in a higher status than me.'
   'Oh. So, does that mean whenever I cuss at someone, all I have to say is sorry, or please to make it sound inoffensive?'
'Ah, I see. I never had a brother, or sister so I didn't know it worked like that.'
   I nodded: of course. Though she must have thousands of half-siblings.
   'It seems like we're really going to get along,' she smiled as she put another white flower in...
  'Let's eat lunch together. Then I can take you to your swordmanship class: I want to-'
   'I don't think I passed the exam though.'
   Emile turned towards me with raised brows: 'Well, I thought so too. It seems you have good connections anyway.'
At first, I didn't understand what she was talking about.
   'Here, hold this for me,' Emile put another flower on my palm to hold while I was thinking.
   ... I passed? Wait, how did I pass?
At that second, a sudden memory of brother reassuringly telling me 'you'll definitely pass- because you're my sister,' flashed in my mind.
   I thought it was weird: I mean who in their right mind would tell that to someone who wasn't even able to raise their sword, much less a pen to write three words?
That... that f*cking fraud-
When I looked down, I was holding two flowers that had snapped in middle by their thick stem.
   '... I'm going to snap his legs just like that,' I murmured in my head... or out loud.
   That would explain the look Emile was giving me.
   'My brother... do you know him?'
'Michael Elan? Him?'
    ... So, that was his name.
'His class?' I questioned: 'Ah... I don't know. He's probably in his third year... why? What are you going to do?' she asked in a suddenly fearful tone.
   I sighed: 'I'm not going to kill him.'
Killing is too bothersome.
  'But I would at least beat him to near death if I could.'
    If only I could: I already feel lazy just by thinking how much work I'll have to go through to beat him to near death. I think I might die before that happens.
  Is he nuts? Why would he...?!
Well, one way or another, I'm going to make him regret his decision.

   When the bell rings, it means it's lunch time, or luncheon in a fancy way as nobles call.
   Which to say, exactly 1 hour later, I will attend that stupid swordfighting thingie.
    But before that, I have to see brother...
   Anyway, because I didn't know the way to the cafeteria, Emile led me there.
    'Are you feeling sick? Why do you keep frowning?'
   'Yes, I'm terminally ill, and it's really painful for me. Every part of my body feels like it's being torn.'
   My muscles are literally dying from overwork. I must've lost half my weight at this point.
   'Oh,' she made a pitying expression that dumbfounded me: what the hell do you look sorry for?
    'I shouldn't have asked.'
It then occurred to me that she actually really thought I had a terminal sickness.
   But instead of fixing the misunderstanding, I found myself saying that 'I was going to die soon anyway. So she didn't need to bother.'
   Which was, true I suppose... kind of.
Thanks to that though, she shut her mouth.
   So my ears were finally in peace- sadly, that didn't last long. In the most frustrating, and terrifying way possible.
   Because as soon as I walked into the cafeteria, I saw something that shouldn't be there at all. Someone who didn't belong- and I'm not talking about myself.

A/N: it's Saturday here, but it's Sunday there.
Gosh, my fingers are all kinda weird after knitting. Seriously, I have no artistic talent at all... in knitting.
  Also, I realized that I have a lot of spelling, & grammar mistakes and all... only thanks to some comments I happened to read. Yeah, I'm not gonna apologize for that- it's typo! Plus I don't read, or recheck. I should probably... but please tell me the mistakes or whatever. I'll try to fix'em.

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