breakfast with the bad guys

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error woke up expecting to be lying on his signature red couch, surrounded by the emptiness of the void

only this wasn't exactly the case

instead he found himself tucked into an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room, yet surrounded by many familiar objects

suspicious he decided to leave the room

leaving the room he figured out he was still in the bad guys mansion

and still had the infuriating mimicking gloves on

one part of him wanted to go to whichever door that lead to nightmares room and yell the mansion down

while another part wanted to find one of the many sharp objects occupying the rooms and rip the gloves clean of

but the scent of something delicious reached his non-existent noes that created a third part

hesitantly he began to follow the beckoning aroma, quietly travelling through the corridors, past one of the living rooms that was still covered in popcorn and stopping just outside one of the many kitchens that were producing the pleasant smells

looking inside he saw all 5 bad sanses, dust and killer cooking whilst the others waiting and sitting down ready for breakfast, along with one empty chair for another figure to sit on

"error, I can feel your negativity from a mile away so stop being a stalker and come in already," nightmare said without even facing the destroyer and continuing to read his book

while the other sniggered error merely grumbled, his face blushing slightly blue as he entered the kitchen

"honestly it's like you don't trust us" dust commented with fake betrayal

error simply didn't reply instead just played with his fork

all the bad sanses simply rolled their eyes

to them error was like a very anti-social brother, older to killer, horror and cross whilst younger to dust and nightmare

even though they were all wanted members of killing psychopaths, they were also in a way one big weird family of scared and broken misfits that were treated cruelly under fates and destiny's watch

they needed each other,even if the destroyer didn't believe it, though they didn't want to pressure him to much, knowing him personally, but breakfast was already a big step

"ok the pancakes are done" cross asked as he brought over a plate of pancakes

while the others layered theirs with various toppings the destroyer himself just ate them plain

(not a surprise) the rest laughed

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