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"how was he?" ink asked as he noticed dreams return

"he needs some time alone" dream admitted sadly 

"I don't think I ever want to do that again" dream continued as he sat down into a nearby sofa, practically sinking into it 

"didn't take the tranquilizer happy arrow well I'm guessing" ink laughed sheepishly 

dream could simply shake his head 

ink sighed as blue made dream some hot Chocolate  

"so what are you planning to do for (with) him?" blue asked, still slightly confused as to why the creator had brought the destroyer along in the first place

"well I-" ink was about to say before a glitchy voice interrupted them 

"kinda rude to talk about someone behind their backs" 

the destroyers voice made all three heads turn so fast that it was a surprise the didn't snap 

the figure of error was stood in the doorway, arms crossed and face scowled

"I thought you were sleeping?" dream asked with surprise and confusion

"I was" error simply stated, he was so used to survive on such little sleep because of all the voices, the alerts of A.U's being created and needed destroyed that never slept for long, always waking up in a panic before he continued his day 

"guessing you used our connection to find us" ink said in a mock love voice 

the two also shared a connection only if the two were in the same A.U as each other they could pinpoint their exact location, if not then it just brought them back to the days earlier predicament

but the creators response was only a deeper scowl

"you alright?" blue asked as he went to the destroyers side, noticing the dry looking eyes of when someone had been crying, the blue starry eyed skeleton seemed to have a 6th sense to someone was upset, kinda like dream but not as powerful, but since blue was much more closer to the destroyer in a proper friendship way, then he hoped he would be a comforting companion 

"I would be if I didn't have to be paranoid about people keeping me hostage planning things behind my back" error growled as he stared at the two other gods 

daggers set ablaze would be more gentle then the glaze the glitching god was giving them 

"come on now error, we would never do anything to make you any more paranoid as you already are, you should be the god of paranoia" ink laughed jokingly, the other members could only look in worry

"then why are you keeping me here?!" error asked, taking all his will power not to shout or try to attack the creator 

"well Mr noisy your about to find out" ink said as he ignored errors growing rage running to one door and beckoned for them to follow him 

"like hell I'm going anywhere else with you!" error yelled as he took a few steps back 

"I promise it's nothing dangerous" ink laughed seeing errors reaction 

"error, I'm positive you'll like it" blue said with a smile, intervening to take over persuading duty 

error looked to blue with an unsure face, he knew the underswap skeleton wasn't a liar, never had been and probably never will be

so it came to no surprise when the destroyer finally came around, saying that if they dared pull any funny business then he wasn't going to trust them ever again

nether the less ink smiled gleefully as he lead the others into the new room 

the sight seemed to make the destroyers eyes turn to stars 

inside there were boxes upon boxes of chocolates, sewing/stitching/knitting and doll making materials and tools, along with various types of patterns, wools and buttons 

error couldn't help himself as he rushed over excitedly, stating each item with the appropriate correct names 

the star sanses themselves had to admit it was an adorable sight, like a child in a sweet shop

"help yourself, we'll leave you be" ink said as he began to leave, pushing the other two with him 

error however didn't notice as he began to get immersed in his stitch work

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