a dream or a lie

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error smiled as he entered his void

he could no longer hear the bickering painful voices that had once tormented him to no end 

instead there were happy voices of chara's, real ones, not the ones that screamed in anger or fear within their souls the destroyer collected 

the children smiled at him when he entered their sight 

they were waiting for him to watch one of his favourite shows 

he looked up to where he saw that the once white and blue stringed ceiling was now  more breath-taking then outertales 

stars both still and shooting covered the purple and black cosmos 



and no distractions 

he knew it wasn't real 

fate would never be this kind, let alone this merciful 

error groaned as he began to wake up 

"positive dreams? when did he-" error thought as he rubbed his skull, only to find an arrow stuck in it 

he yanked it out and all at once his memories suddenly came rushing back 

"INK!" he screamed 

how dare he trick his mind to believe that something like that could ever be possible 

he felt anger boil in his bones 

but yet he couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment within in his SOUL, let alone stop the tears that began to run down his face

he tried to brush them away as fast as he could, he would never let them see him in this sate 

he wouldn't give him the satisfaction 

"error?" a familiar voice asked 

but error didn't dare to look at the abomination that owned said voice, it was his fault that the destroyers tears

"what do you want?!" error asked, his glitchy voice finally proving it's worth as it hid away his sobs

"I felt your positivity drop and I wanted to see if you were ok" the positive god dream explained 

"don't you mean so you can knock me unconscious again, move my body without consent and tell my mind lies and false facts?" error growled, finally turning around to the other god to show his displeasure 

dream could only stand in astonishment, he was expecting an instant fight with screaming and yelling

but the sound of sadness in the destroyers voice that not even his glitches could cover up made his SOUL ache 

it was like it was the first time he could feel the overwhelming despair and pain that was the destroyers emotions  

the two didn't spend much time with each other, even over the years the positive god could swear he had spent more time with killer then the destroyer 

and it was no secret he had an immense fear of physical contact so the positive god had no idea what to do to make the glitch feel better

"I-" dream tried but stopped as the destroyer turned away with a scoff, trying to mask the new violently falling tears that ran down his cheeks

"it's, it's not fair...why...why did you do this to me?!" error asked/cried angrily as he held himself into a small ball

"I, I didn't me-I thought-I, I am so sorry, I thought that-" dream stuttered with panic 

"no you don't! and that's your problem!" error yelled/accused 

"you and ink, you just act like the world is filled with rainbows and cupcakes and that everything can be fixed with a snap of the fingers...and..it, just doesn't!" error seemed to have calmed down slightly, getting everything of his chest as he rested his skull into his hands

the destroyers words hurt, but dream knew that expressing himself would enable him to become calmer

error felt himself become really tired, he didn't want to rest while in an uncertain area, let alone rest while the positive god was still in the room with him 

but he felt like his body was about to collapse, not in a crash sort of way but in an exhausted way

dream could sense that the destroyer was exhausted and decided that the best way to help the destroyer, was not to help him at this time

a part of him wished to stay to either defend himself in fury or try again to comfort the glitch, but the other part told him that in the case with someone who only found it best to cope alone he decided that in this case it was the best call  

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