Chapter 26: Tag, You're It.

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[Grabbed my hand, pushed me down.
Took the words right out my mouth]

      I wore a dark green t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans with my white Vans. I grabbed a small bag and put in my phone, keys, and some lip balm. As I was about to walk out of the apartment, my phone dinged, startling me. I grab it and read the text from Niall. 

From Niall: Please keep your location on. 

      I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and unlocked my phone to reply.

To Niall: Why?

From Niall: Just please. 

To Niall: Alright...

From Niall: I just don't trust him.

To Niall: I'll be fine, Niall. I'll turn on my location.

      I turn on my location as promised and walked out of my apartment. I make my way down to the lobby where Jessie was waiting. Today I would be meeting his friends, which was very important to him as it was for me for him to meet the boys. So I didn't mind when he asked if I could come with him to meet his friends.

      I get to his car and hop in smiling at Jessie as I do. My smile falls when he doesn't smile back. Was he still mad about yesterday? I didn't mean to make him upset. I just don't really know how to handle having a boyfriend. I haven't had one in years. What do I tell him? I'm sorry? Him and Niall's fight was not my fault. Niall tried defending me because he thought I was in danger. I understand why Jessie is angry, but he should know that I will always choose the most important people first. Yes, Jessie is important to me, but not as much as the boys. Does that sound as bad as I think it did?

      I don't say anything the entire way to the house. I don't want to say the wrong thing. When we arrive, Jessie is quick to walk into the house and hold the door open for me. I walk in quickly and  he closes the door behind me, locking the door. Um, odd? He gives a slight smile to me, which I return and he guides me down the corridor into a living room where some guys who look oddly familiar. Where have I seen them before? 

      I have to talk to Jessie. About everything. I have to apologize about yesterday and just be completely honest with him. Maybe not about everything but most things. His hand is placed on my lower back as he grabs the attention of his friends. "Guys, this is Emily." He says. They look so familiar. Wait. Blue eyes, black hair. Brown eyes, brown hair. Brown eyes, blonde hair. They're here. Those people. They're here. Well, not all of them. One is missing, but they're all here. My face falls and I feel myself start having a headache. No, no no. This can't be happening. 

      "Emily..." Connor smirks walking towards me. I back away from him as the rest of the boys start coming closer to me. "Nice seeing you again." My throat goes dry as I feel my back hit the wall. He doesn't stop, he comes close to my face, almost centimeters away. He grabs a lock of my hair and twists it around his fingers. 

      "Still the same little Emily from high school, eh?" How did they find me? 

      "Guys, stop." Jessie says pulling Connor back. Jessie comes towards me and takes my face in his hands. "Come on, you need to lay down." He whispers. I follow him out of the kitchen and down a hallway with multiple doors. He opens one and walks inside. "This is my room. I'll go get you some water." He says. He walks out and closes the door behind him. 

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