Chapter 41: Fallin' All In You.

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[Sunrise with you on my chest,
no blinds in the place where I live. 
Daybreak open your eyes 
'cause this was only ever meant to be for one night]

      Waking up with the sun hitting you and beside somebody is honestly the best feeling in the world. Especially when the person is the person you love and you woke up from a pretty heated night. 

      I rolled over taking the sheet with me and found Niall looking at me. He smiled as he saw me. "Have you been staring at me sleep?" I asked propping myself up on his chest. I folded my arms on him and let my chin fall and rest on my arms. 

      Niall shrugs, "Maybe." His hand caresses my bare back making it tingle. "You're cute when you sleep. So don't blame me." I giggle and he chuckles while looking at me. 

      "Em?" I hum in response. "Do you ever think about the future?" He asks still staring at the ceiling. 

      I shrug, "I do, but I don't think much about it." He sighs. "Why do you ask?" It was his turn to shrug. 

      "I think about it a lot." 

      "Do you?" He nods and looks down at me. 

      Niall rolls me on top of him and I keep my position the same. "What do you imagine the future?" I ask. He smiles and he moves a strand of hair behind my ear. I feel the pad of his thumb caress my cheekbone. 

      "It'd be you and me..." He says. 

      "We'd live wherever and be happy. We'd travel. We'd get married..." My heart flutters. He's been thinking about us. "We'd have a family." The small feeling is gone. He wants a family. I wish I could give him that. I've always wanted a family. But after Dylan did what he did, I can't. 

      "What are you thinking about?" I hear him ask. 

      I clear my throat, "Niall. What you're imagining is beautiful, it really is, but I can't give you a family." I swallow down the lump in my throat. I really just went out and said it. He deserved to know. 

      "What?" I get off of him and sat next to him. I held the sheet up to my chest and he propped himself on his elbows. 

      "After Dylan did what he did in high school, they damaged my fertility. The doctor's said that it would be a miracle to even get pregnant." I explain sadly. I look down but am caught off guard when Niall's arms wrapped around me. "I'm sorry, Niall." I sigh hugging him back. Niall shakes his head. 

      "Don't be sorry, babe. It wasn't your fault. It was that screw-up's fault. When the time comes, we'll figure it out. Alright?" He pulls back and holds my hands. I smile lightly and nod. 


      Niall and I spent the morning in bed talking about random stuff and messing around. Until the time came that we were both starving and in need of food. I slip on my undies and put Niall's shirt over my head while Niall put on his boxers and sweatpants. We walked out of my room hand in hand and into the kitchen to prepare a stack of waffles. "Why not pancakes?" Niall pouts as I grabbed the things we needed. 

      "Because I don't like pancakes." I explain setting the things on the counter. 

      "Wha- Why?!" 

      I shrug, "I don't know. I just don't." I say leaning up and pecking Niall's pouty lips. 

      After breakfast, Niall and I get ready to do nothing. We shower (not together) and laid on the couch having movie marathons. "What should we watch?" I ask Niall who plops next to me, wrapping an arm across my shoulders. 

      "Whatever you want." He says. 

      "No, no. You chose." I reply handing him the remote. He settles on The Little Mermaid after a couple minutes of searching. 

      "Did you know that this one is my favorite?" I question leaning into him. 

      "Did you know that I already knew that?" He kisses the side of my head and we quietly watch the movie. As I hummed to 'Part Of Your World' Niall rubbed my arm and hummed with me. Not a bad way to end the last day before tour. 


[Fallin' All In You - Shawn Mendes]



Yes, I did that.

Just wanted to say something... The end is coming soon :(

I know, I know, Heartbreaking yes. Cry, attack me, it's fine. 

Just so you know, #nemily will always make me feel even more single than I already am. So. Yeah.

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All the love, C. xx

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