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You groan as you sit up, a quiet yawn leaving you as you do. You blink before blearily looking around your room to see the main problem.

You very loud phone rattling on the desk.

Throwing your blanket over your body you get up with yet another yawn as you trudge over to your desk to finally cut off the alarm that's blaring from your phone, that also cutting off the rattling caused by the sound, you blame the base or whatever.

A sigh comes from you as you look at the time on your phone. '4:45am' your supposed to be at the practice rink like now, but it's a ten minute walk and your coach won't be too happy if your even a little bit late.

You put your phone down before going to your restroom so you can prepare for the day.


You step out of the car "Good bye Okaasan, thanks!" She gives you a wave before driving off so she can get to work on time.

Checking your phone you readjust your bag, '5:08am' you knew as soon as your coach saw you, you'd be in for a scolding.

"L/N kun! Your late too!" You look to where the voice came from to see one of the other skaters, a third year by the name of Ahki Rizu, one of the ice skaters in the company and, more often than not, your dual skate partner.

"Ahki san!" You give a nod in greeting to the now panting third year, your lips twitching up seeing him bend down to catch a breather once he's about a meter away from you.

"You know the longer we stay out here, the worse our scolding from coach will be." You mention checking the time once more, a minute has gone by.

"Yeah," Ahki huffs before standing up again "I'm good now, totally. Yeah, we can go in now." You raise an eyebrow at his still heaving figure.

"Did you run all the way here?" 

"No, I've only run a block or so." Your eyes widen as the male takes your hand before sprinting into the building "Lets go L/N kun!"

"W-wait! Ahki san, you're going too fast!"

"Like you said, sensei will be mad if we don't hurry! Plus we still need to put our skates on!" Ahki abruptly stops causing you to stop as well, centimeters away from his back.

Ahki motions towards the door to see that it's the male changing rooms. "Our stop." Ahki gives you a wide wide.

Thanks Ahki san, I hope you don't get scolded by yourself." You give the male a grin before slipping into the locker room, him following behind. You conversation dulls as both of you get to your lockers.

Quickly grabbing your skates from your locker, lacing you your skates, removing the soaker to reveal the hard skate guard so you could waddle your way to the rink.

You waste no time in making your way to the rink either, exiting from a door on the other side of the locker room so all you had to do was walk through a short hallway and to an entrance to the rink.

"Oi Y/N!" You tense up hearing your coaches voice. Didn't even get a chance to walk all the way through the door.

You walk pass the door, closing it behind you to give the coach a tight smile. "Good morning coach."

The Woman glides over to you before grabbing onto the border of the rink. "Why are you late? And don't give me some dumb excuse like you overslept!" 

You mentally whine, but that's exactly what happened (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞!

The coach narrows her eyes at your silence, "Y/N..."

"I promise it wasn't on purpose! I must have been more tired than I thought! I promise I didn't do it on purpose!" You shout as you delve into a bow.

The coach squeeze the bridge of her nose with her index and pointer finger. "Fine. Only because I know you stay a little later than the others But," Her tone darkens and a glare settles on her face as she peers down at you, "You do this again and you won't be allowed in my rink for a week, got it?"

You nod frantically, a weeks so long... "Got it!"

The coach motions you away "Now go stretch." You do so without a word and skate off to elsewhere but an angry "Rizu!" makes you cringe, poor guy.


Your breathing heavily as you glide over to the waters a familiar face greeting you, Fujiko Aoki, a member of the skate team and one of your friends that go to school with you. In fact when she was looking for a new skate team after her old one disbanded you were the one who brought her to coach's rink.

"Late I see." You greet the girl with a grin.

"Good morning to you too."

She bobs her head in greeting, her long brunette hair moving as she does, "You know," She hands you your blue water bottle, "I could've picked you up if you were going to be late."

You take a sip before answering her "I overslept, that's all. I wasn't up practicing again Fujiko san."

The brunette pouts "I didn't say you were up practicing this time."

You roll your eyes "Yes, but you were thinking it. Besides, I know better than to overwork myself again. I missed a little bit of the season because of it." You glance at your ankle before going back to drinking from your water, your mood obviously down from a little bit earlier.

Fujiko karate chops you in the head "Chin up! Don't look so sad! That was the past this is the present so don't act like you can't skate right now!"

You send a smile to the honey eyed brunette "Thank you Fujiko san." You hand her your water bottle before gliding backwards and effortless turning around, going back to practicing for your free skate.


"Circle up!" You pause mid skate hearing your captains voice as he nears the coach. You hurrying to do the same as you skate over.

The coach looks over at all of you before letting out a sigh, the cold temperature of the ice rink causing her breath to fog up before it disperses. "After practice today we'll be having a volleyball team come over to work on some footwork and their balance, Y/N you will be helping them, understand?"

Your eyes widen hearing this ...but why me? None the less you nod "Yes coach!"

"Great. While we're on the topic of footwork, Rizu yours was sloppy today, tighten up." Ahki only nods. The coach focuses her gaze on the other male next to him "Josu, your jumps were off balance, you looked like you were going to fall each time you landed. Your triple axle was also shaky, i expect to see progress during our after school practice."

"Yes ma'am!"

Your coach continues to call you all out on what needs to be worked on and you only sigh quietly, Why am i the one that has to look after the volleyball team? (.•́ _ʖ •̀.)

Ice Skates & Volleyball | Haikyuu x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now