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I brace, brace myself I know the crash is imminent

Shit! Bells, it's cold" a sister said to the other as they stepped off the plane, dragged from the warmth of the Arizona sun to the constant grey sky of Forks

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Shit! Bells, it's cold" a sister said to the other as they stepped off the plane, dragged from the warmth of the Arizona sun to the constant grey sky of Forks.

The other sister smirked in response, still swept in mixed feelings about the transition. Carmen recognised her twin's hesitance, Bella had fallen in love with Pheonix and this change would definitely be a burden in her eyes. Carmen gave her a reassuring smile as together, the Swan sisters stepped off the plane, huddled together as Bella gripped the rail so hard that her knuckles turned white to prevent slipping...again.

"Bells, I can't feel my ass" Carmen reported through shivers.

"What ass?" Bella retorted, receiving a slap from the taller sister in response. "Oh no, you didn't! I think I'm wearing off on you" Carmen replied a smirk appearing on her face as they neared the warmth of the airport.

"I was stuck next to you for the past two hours, what'd you expect?" Bella replied with a small grin,

"you were asleep the whole time! I have the drool marks to prove it," Carmen teased whilst pointing to her shoulder as they walked through the large white doors into the airport with the other passengers.

Unlike Bella, Carmen was ecstatic about the change. Excitement burned in her eyes as she glanced around the tile clad airport for their father, Charlie Swan. Though she loved Arizona and would miss her loving mom and all her bikinis, a part of her craved the place of her childhood. They used to spend two weeks here every summer, but it's been years.

Bella Spotted Charlie first and Carmen ran where her sister pointed with Bella not far behind. Relief flooded Charlie's face as he saw his two girls, offering awkward hugs to disguise the tears threatening to spill.

"Welcome back girls! Geez, you've both grown a foot" he told them cheerfully

"glad to be back" Carmen replied with a smile mirroring Bella's.


After collecting their bags and stuffing them into Charlie's cop car, they drove through Forks which was predominantly spent with Carmen's head halfway out the window, her long brown hair flicking through the wind whilst Bella and Charlie continue...

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After collecting their bags and stuffing them into Charlie's cop car, they drove through Forks which was predominantly spent with Carmen's head halfway out the window, her long brown hair flicking through the wind whilst Bella and Charlie continued their awkward small talk about Bella's hair. Memories of her life here flooded back to her, jumping off the bridge into the river below with Jake whilst Bella watched from bellow, the diner they spent every Friday night in and all the trees she'd climbed and conquered.

"Hey, Dad..." Carmen asked slyly,

"oh I know that tone, what do you want?" Charlie replied in his usual gruff voice,

"how much would I have to pay you to turn the copper lights on and speed off?" she asked innocently whilst Bella looked a bit mortified at the prospect. Charlie looked back at her with humour flickering in his eyes, "not a chance Cass".


Half an hour later they arrived at the house, it hadn't changed one bit which brought a smile to Carmen's lips. The girls dragged their bags to their rooms, as though they'd lived there for their whole lives. The light flickered on in Carmen's haven, exactly as she had left it. And after unpacking, it was as though she'd never left.

The echo of Charlie's boots got louder as he neared, standing behind his daughter as he observed the changes she'd made

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The echo of Charlie's boots got louder as he neared, standing behind his daughter as he observed the changes she'd made.

"Hey plant lady, forgot to water your old ones, so I got a few new ones from Billy," he mentioned as he scratched the back of his head,

Carmen chuckled as she replied "quite the green thumb you've got, Dad"

"still got that sass in you, I see," he said as he leaned against the door frame, smiling down at her fondly. "well, uh dinner will be ready soon if your hungry, Bella wanted schnitzel" he mentioned before he wandered off. He still didn't hover, Bella must have loved that.

So the seventeen-year-old leapt upon her bed, sitting cross-legged as she observed the outside world, the echo of footsteps of those she couldn't see and the clouds that danced across the evening sky. It wouldn't be Forks if it hadn't begun to rain, tapping against Carmen's window in greeting. She left the window ajar, allowing the cool is to seep in, tossing around the pages of her books and the gold moon cycle hanging Jake and his friends had made her before she left. Maybe this was all she needed, just a fresh start, with new friends and to reconnect with her dad.

Bella came and took up Charlie's position, bracing Carmen for the tragic news.. "school starts in a couple of days," but the only response she received was a dramatic thump as Carmen flopped against the bed with a groan.

hey, y'all!! I hope you're enjoying it so far!

What do you think of Carmen? Any theories about where she's from yet??


song: Atomised by Laura Welsh

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