Chapter 21

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As normal as every normal mornings can be, Katsuki's eyes snapped open, an inaudible growl leaving his throat as he awoke with a sharp bite to his morning wood. Lifting the covers off him, he almost fainted, seeing how the greenette's ass was right before his very own eyes. 

The tight boxers Izuku was wearing did nothing to calm the morning wood he already had, only making it even harder as Katsuki carefully inspected the outline of the teen's bubble butt and the beautifully embowed package which seems to be the right fit for his hands. 

Hearing a soft moan escape the greenette's lips, Katsuki cursed under his breath when he felt the vibrations seep into his skin, having an idea on what was or who was the one that bit him down there. Throwing the covers off this time, the blonde almost had a heart attack and a nosebleed when it was worse than he thought.

Izuku was practically lying curled up on the blonde's larger frame, his innocent-looking face plastered against the blonde's now raging hard-on as his hands were tucked under the blonde's ass, practically immobilizing him. A patch of dried up drool can be seen at the side of Katsuki's boxers as the greenette opened his mouth once again to bite down on the blonde's junk.

Before Katsuki can even comprehend what the dreaming greenette was about to do, a low groan left his lips as Izuku's jaws latched around his clothed package, gnawing on it like a puppy with its chew toy. Just that this pup has jaws.

"mmm...Kacchan the corndog's too hard..." Izuku moaned out, making the blonde facepalm himself when he realised that the smaller male was dreaming about the corndog they ate yesterday. Most probably it being his karma for he ate most of it.

"Fuck, Deku." Katsuki cursed, sitting up slightly to grab the smaller male off him but laid back down knowing that it would be more fun to see the other's reaction when he finally wakes up.

Smacking the greenette's ass to wake him up, a soft yelp was heard followed by incoherent mumblings and a shifting body worming on him. Then everything froze.

Watching as the greenette freeze up at the sight of his dick, Katsuki snorted, a smirk curving up on his lips as he watched the greenette's cpu malfunction. "Good morning, Deku. How was your corndog?" He teased, causing the greenette to turn back towards him with an extremely flushed face which mind seems to have short circuited. "Nice morning view too, don't you agree? Though I thought someone was going to chomp my dick off."

With every word attacking Izuku's mind, his face practically started to steam as incoherents left his lips. Rolling off the blonde quickly, he threw the covers over himself, hiding under it with an extremely heated face. His heart was hammering so hard against his chest, he felt that it was going to vomit it out. Meanwhile, his mind playing out the thousand of scenarios that could have happened while he was busy dreaming about food but nothing he knew what happened more or less from the wet marks along the length of Katsuki's clothed dick.

"I'm so sorry!" He apologised muffledly from underneath the covers as Katsuki snickered, getting off the bed to call for breakfast knowing that the greenette wouldn't be getting out from under the covers any time soon.

Not getting a reply, a green ball of fluff popped out from under the covers with worry shown on his face, a sad expression forming when he realised the blonde was no where to be seen. Crawling out from his hidden spot completely, he sat on the bed with a crestfallen look on his face, wondering if the blonde hated it that much to have left him.

Walking up silently behind the greenette, Katsuki launched at the slumped looking figure, wrapping his arms around the smaller male and pulling him into a tight hug. "Gotcha." He grinned, stopping when he saw tears flowing down from the greenette's face. "What's wrong Izu?"

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