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The rest of the day, The old Arlette's helped me with Archie. They were babysitting him while I was finishing my works. Soon we were like a family.

"Hi Uncle Cool, I hope the little monster is not troubling you." I said as I entered the suite in which they are staying in.

"No, not at all. We enjoyed a lot with him." Mr. Arlette said leading me inside where Mrs. Arlette was rocking a sleeping Archie.

"Sam, I fed him his food and made him sleep. This oldman got him tired making him play continuously." Mrs. Arlette said glaring at her husband.

"How can I not play with him Lizzy, he is cute with a bag of energy." Mr. Arlette justified.

"I think I should get him back to home. His mom would be waiting for him." I said taking Archie in my arms without disturbing his sleep.

"Thank you for babysitting him. See you tomorrow,Aunt Liz and Uncle Cool."

"Good night, Sam." They waved. "You are always welcome, if you need help with him, while his mom is away."

I reached home and found my sister waiting for us in the living room looking tired and Archie bounced in my arms to reach his Mom as soon as he saw her.

"Aww—My baby, I missed you." My sister said kissing all over his face making him giggle.

"Did you had your dinner, Sam."

"Yes Vi, I had."

"Sorry for leaving him with you in the morning, Sam. How did you managed to get him bathed? " She asked feeling sorry.

"I can manage anything, don't need to worry about me." I said and she smiled gratefully, "And hearing sorry from you made my day." I said making her threw a cushion on me.

"You idiot, it's my fault to feel guilty about troubling you." She said glaring at me. "It's your responsibility as an uncle."

"It's your responsibility as an uncle." I said imitating her.

"Sam, don't make me angry or else I will kick you hard. And this time Mom's not at home to save you." She said placing Archie in his stroller, showing her fist.

And that's my cue to go to my room because my sister will not hesitate from kicking me and I already had had a black eye many times when I irritated her, when my mom is not around. And from my lessons I know that not to make her angry when I don't have my mom near me. If my mom's near than she will support me.

"I am going to sleep." I said climbing the steps.

"Good decision." She said from behind making me roll my eyes.


I placed a sleeping Archie on my bed and placed pillows around him, and layed on the bed after changing into my pyjamas.

A few days back everything was normal and then suddenly Evander entered into my life again. And now that He and I are gonna work on a project, I will have to face him everyday and whenever I see him the memories of our Love, scratch that My Love and his betrayal comes into my mind flooding. I loved him with my everything and let him be my first in everything but he broke my heart. Once I was a fool to believe and fall in love with him but now I won't let him affect me.

I was trying to sleep when My baby woke up fresh and active. I am an early to bed, early to rise type but my baby is different from me. He always stays wide awake and active in the nights and sleeps in the morning. For the first few months after Archie was born, I had a hard time to sleep, with him being awake in the nights, ready to play. It was one of the reasons why Sam always returns Archie to me in the nights no matter what. It is tough to handle him and stay awake with him all the night and then return to office in the morning. I had black circles under my eyes due to lack of sleep for the first few months after Archie and Sam had the nerve to call me Panda! And then again he had a broken arm for a week, which is altogether a new story.

"Archie, sleep baby. Mama's too tired now to play with you." I cooed but he was not in a mood to listen. He began to smile throwing his arms and legs in air.

And after an hour he slept on my shoulder while watching cartoons. I carried him to bed and made him sleep and I slept as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Next morning I got Archie ready, from today I am going to work with Evander. I woke up late today because of this little monster, who kept me awake till late night yesterday, making me watch cartoons with him and on addition to that our butler went on a emergency leave, and now I am the one to prepare the breakfast. I quickly tossed some vegetables I found and made soup and sandwiches. By the time I finished cooking, Sam walked inside the dining room, with Archie.

"Hey, I made soup and sandwiches." I said taking Archie from Sam.

"Archie, come on baby, let's feed you some food, before I go to work." I said placing my baby in his high chair. Lately I was trying to make Archie eat some vegetables and solid foods as he is almost One year.

"Archie__ baby... Come on drink this soup and become a strong boy." I said placing the spoon near his mouth and he scrunched and turned his face away.

"Baby, eat please." I requested him, "Mama has to eat and go to work, be a good baby and drink this soup." I said trying again and he made a face and became cranky.

"What made my nephew cranky in the morning? "

"I am trying to feed him this broccoli soup and he is becoming cranky." I huffed.

"Leave it to me, I will feed him." Sam said keeping the bowl aside. "Archie, today your your uncle will cook food for you." He said carrying Archie into the kitchen, who was hugging him by the neck.

Don't know why my baby becomes cranky sometimes when it comes to certain foods. I sighed and looked at my watch, I am running late for the work.

"Vi, I want to tell you..."

"Will talk with you later, Sam. I am running late." I said grabbing the packed breakfast and rushed towards my car after bidding bye to Archie and Sam.

I reached the office and gone through few files. Time passed in a blur and I didn't even realize it's almost 12 noon until my stomach grumbled in hunger. I could have thought of having lunch but again I have to go construction site, with Evan in the afternoon. I took out my food that I packed in the morning and was drinking my soup, when my cabin doors was opened by Evander. What's with this guy and entering into my office like he owns it. Hmph! Anyways I don't want to get into any arguments with him so, I decided to be polite.

"What are you eating? " He asked looking at my broccoli soup.

"Broccoli soup, it's good for health. Wanna have some? " I asked holding out the bowl for him.

And then he gave me the same expression, I had witnessed a few hours earlier. He scrunched his face and turned his head aside acting like he was to puke.

"I don't like broccoli." He said with a disgust.

I should have guessed, why my baby was all cranky, when I tried to feed him in the morning. Sometimes Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He got his father's taste buds. I sighed and began to continue eating my food.

"How can you eat that thing? " Evander asked sitting on the chair in front of me.

"It's good for health." I said non chalantly and he rolled his eyes.

"Stop eating that thing and come with me. We are going out for lunch." Evander stated taking away the bowl from me.

"What's wrong with you, Evan." I asked controlling my anger. "I don't want to go to lunch with you."

"I didn't ask you Violet, you are coming with me, that's final."

"What if I say I don't want to go with you." I asked in a challenging tone.

"Then I will carry you. I don't think, you want your staff to see you being carried to a restaurant on my shoulders. Do you? " He asked smirking.

I wish I could wipe that smirk off.

"I have made a reservation in the Mexican outlet down the lane for us. I remember you like Mexican, so shall we go." He asked forwarding his hand for me to hold.

I ignored his hand and walked out of the door taking my handbag while he followed me.

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