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After doing all the feats to close the door and getting successful in it. I carried Archie towards my car and buckled him up in his baby seat. Today he's going to his father's office.

I drove towards my office extra carefully avoiding bumps while Archie was interestingly watching the cars and vehicles on the road. I think he loves vehicles. I parked my car and unbuckled him, I asked my assistant to come down to parking lot to fetch my bags, so that I can carry My son without any problem.

I carried Archie towards my office and all my employees were looking at me curiously wondering who the cutie pie in my arms was. Archie seemed to be enjoying the attention he was getting. He was smiling at everyone.

"Hello everyone." I said loudly and everyone looked in my direction stopping their silent whispers.

"I want you all to meet my Son, Archer Damien Arlette." I said proudly and loud gasps and aww's were heard followed by muffled whispers.

"Get on to the work now." I said sternly in my business voice and walked towards my cabin with my son.

"Hey buddy, hope you like my office." I said placing Archie on the carpet and placing toys around him.

He giggled clapping his hands happily trying to keep his toy in his mouth.

"No, don't do that." I said taking the toy away from his hands and he looked at me like he was going to cry.

"No, no.. Don't cry. Here take this but don't keep it in your mouth." I said giving back the toy to Archie and he smiled happily.

"You are such a cutie like your mother." I said poking his chubby cheeks and taking out mobile to call Violet.

The call went to voice mail, I think she's still in the meeting.

"Okay buddy, Have fun while I check and sign a few files." I said walking back to my desk to check on few files while keeping an eye on Archie.

After checking out the files and signing them, I glanced at my watch it read half past eleven, time to feed Archie .

I lifted him off the floor and placed him on the sofa while I began to take out his food and milk from his baby bag, I prepared this morning.

He ate his food happily without making fuss, since I made sweetcorn sandwich for him. See, my son likes the food cooked by me. I wiped his face with wet tissue and changed his diaper. Yes, I am a good father.

I spread my legs on the coffee table and began to prepare a presentation placing Archie on my laps. He was curiously looking at the laptop screen playing with my tie and trying to catch the words with another hand. He left a frustrated sigh as he failed to catch the cursor, which made me laugh. We both played with his toys and I gave him a piggy back ride in my cabin and soon he fell asleep in my arms as I gently patted his to sleep.

The knock on the door made Archie stir in his sleep but thankfully he didn't wake up.

My assistant Reena came inside.

"Sir, the clients have arrived and was waiting in the presentation room for the meeting." Reena said in a low voice.

"Okay, I will be there in a few minutes." I said and she nodded to go out, "and Reena from the next time knock the door softly or just ring me up, I don't want anyone to disturb my son's sleep." I said strictly and she nodded meekly.

I have a meeting to attend and finalize a deal in 5 minutes, where as Archie was sleeping in my arms. I don't have a heart to wake him up, I tried to place him on the sofa but that almost made him wake up. Being a parent is not so easy.

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