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A soft feel of lips on my cheek made me wake up from the deep peaceful slumber. As I opened my eyes, I saw my little munchkin looking into my eyes giggling.

"Mama.. " He said tapping his hands in air.

"Good Morning, my little cupcake." I said placing a sound kiss on both of his cheeks and placed him on the bed to play with his toys.

I sat straight in the bed stretching my aching muscles looking for the person, who wore me out last night.

As on cue Evan appeared near the door.

"Good Morning, Love." He said walking inside the room with a tray of breakfast in his hands.

"Good Morning, Evan." I said smiling brightly as he placed the tray on the bed table after kissing my forehead.

He climbed on the bed to sat beside me pulling Archie onto his lap.

"Archie, didn't we agree about not waking up, Mama. You naughty boy woke up your momma." Evan said tickling Archie, making him laugh.

"How are you feeling today? " Evan asked concerned.

"I am good." I smiled.

"I made breakfast for you. You take rest today and I will take care of the things." He said giving me a side hug.

"Thank you." I said kissing both the boys on their cheeks, "I will go have a shower before eating the breakfast." I said walking towards the bathroom with Evan's t-shirt covering my body. I can feel his gaze on me as I walked into the bathroom.

Two months later:


Life is a bliss since the day, Violet and I cleared the misunderstandings completely and expressed our love for each other. Since then we never failed to make each other feel loved. Violet was now back to the chirpy cute girl, that I had fell in love with in the college. Archie began to say a set of words other than his usual Mama and Papa. He began to address Sam by his name, sending him to cloud nine. Our parents came back from their vacation and were delighted to know that Violet and I cleared our differences and were now in a relationship.

I can't wait to make Violet mine forever, so today I planned to ask her to marry me. I made sure everything is perfect and brought a ring for Violet. I asked her to go on a date with me without disclosing the surprise and she accepted. Now I am waiting in our living room for Violet to join me.

"Buddy, today I am going to ask your Mama to marry me, don't know how she will react, I am nervous." I said to Archie, who was playing with blocks in the living room.

He gave me a confused look and offered me a building block.

"Hmm, being a child is so much fun. You have no tension, no girlfriend and most importantly everyone loves you." I said helping him construct his blocks.

"Let's go, boys." Violet said and I turned around to look at her. She looked beautiful as always in her burgundy halter neck lace dress.

"You're looking beautiful, Babe." I said kissing her cheeks making her blush.

"Thank you, Handsome." She said kissing my jaw, my baby's too short to kiss my cheeks.

"Sam called me earlier, he is eagerly waiting for his Uncle-Nephew date." Violet said checking Archie's baby bag.

Since we are going on a date, Sam offered to Babysit Archie and he was eagerly waiting to spend time with him. He had taken permission from Violet to take Archie to some cultural exhibition. We are going to drop Archie at Sam's resort on our way.

"I kept everything in Archie's bag, no need to worry." I assured Violet.

"Yeah, I know. But I am rechecking it, so that Sam don't get bothered." Violet said zipping up Archie's baby bag.

"Ready to go, my munchkin."

We dropped Archie in Sam's resort and headed to the beach, where I planned surprise for Violet.

When we finally reached the place, Violet was asleep in her seat snoring cutely. I poked her chubby cheeks with my finger making her wake up rubbing her eyes.

"We reached? " Violet asked looking around.

"Yes." I said getting down the car and walking towards Violet's side to open the door.

Violet hooked her arm with mine and we walked towards the beach.

When we finally reached the place where I arranged dinner for us.

"Wow, Evan it's so beautiful! " Violet said looking at the table for two arranged in the middle of the beach with candles and rose petals surrounding it.

"Thank you, come on let's enjoy our dinner." I said walking towards the table.

After having our dinner, I asked Violet to go on a walk with me. We were walking along the beach with hand's clasped and Violet layed her head on my shoulder. Soon we reached the spot where I planned to propose the love of my life.

I unclasped my hand from Violet's moving in front of her and she looked at me confused. I clapped the hands and the lights came lightening up the beach.

"Violet, two years back, I never thought that I would fall in love with a girl as I thought Love is not my cup of tea. But then you came into my life, even though I started getting closer to you to accomplish my dare, I fell in love with you slowly but deeply. Your cute talks, bubbly cheeks and antics everything about you made me fall in love with you a little more every passing day. The moment you left me, I felt like I couldn't live, then again when I saw you in your office I felt like my life came back to me, but this time with a cutie pie, whom we made together." I said and a tear rolled down from Violet's eyes. "Violet, You complete me. I want you to be in my life forever, Will you be my wife, the mother of our children and the love of my life with whom I wanna grow old with. Violet Everly, Will you Marry me?" I asked getting on my knee and holding out the ring as tears rolled out of Violet's eyes.

"Yes." Violet said between her sobs as she jumped on me wrapping her arms tight.

"Thank you." I said kissing her as I slipped the ring onto her finger.

"So, when do you want to get married? " I asked Violet.

"You better arrange a wedding as early as possible, Mr. I don't want to look like a whale on my wedding day." Violet smiled looking at the ring on her finger.

"Why would you look like a whale? I will arrange the best beauticians to make you look like the prettiest bride." I said confused.

"I will still look like a whale if you delay the wedding because I have  a small life growing inside me." Violet said placing my hand on her stomach.

"You are pregnant! " I asked shocked.

"Yes." Violet said grinning widely and my happiness has no bounds. I am going to be a Dad again.

"I am going to be a father again! Thank you, Vi." I shouted in happiness jumping around and kissing Violet making her laugh.

"When did you find out? " I asked.

"I was feeling low since a week and when I consulted the doctor yesterday, she confirmed that I am 8 weeks pregnant. "

"I want a cute baby girl like you. A cute and bubbly sister for Archie." I said smiling brightly and hugging Violet.

Life can't get any better than this, the love of my life going to be my wife, a cute son and a baby on the way. And a life that I am looking forward to spend with these amazing people everyday.
                         THE END

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