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I snuggled closer to the warm source , it felt good and hard? I stirred and stilled feeling a soft and sloppy feeling on my forehead.

"Good Morning, Love." A deep husky voice greeted. I opened my eyes slowly, only to see a familiar set of chocolate brown eyes looking at me like every day but this is a bigger set.

I smiled softly and then the realisation dawned to me, I slept in Evander's arms last night! My eyes widened and I began to wiggle but he held me tight in a steel grip caged between his arms.

"Stop wiggling, Love." Evander said tightening his grip around me.

"Evan, leave me." I tried to push against his hard chest, I can feel his muscles underneath his crisp white shirt.

"I already told you, I am never going to leave you." He said, "but right now, I will loosen my grip so that we will look decent when Roberts opens the door. Not that I care about what anyone thinks." He said winking.

I got out of his hold creating some distance between us and then I could help but feel the loss of warmth.

"Ouch! " Evander winced holding his neck.

"What happened? " I asked in concern.

"My neck hurts!" He said in pain.

"Who told you to sleep in a uncomfortable position. Now see you got a sprain." I said moving near him.

"It was comfortable and right, I have you in my arms was all I was thinking about." He said smiling.

"Shut up. Don't flirt with me." I hissed.

"Who said I am flirting? I am saying the truth. It felt like a bliss to sleep with you in my arms cutely snoring." He said chuckling.

"I don't snore!! " I defended myself.

"You do, Love. That too cutely." He said pulling my cheeks.

"Shut up." I mumbled blushing. This guy always manages to make me feel things. He laughed and I looked at him. He looked even more handsome when he laughs. I was staring at him without even realising, he stopped laughing at looked at me. We kept looking into each others eyes, he placed his hand on my cheek looking at my lips and I parted my lips in anticipation. He slowly placed his lips on mine and began to suck on my lower lip and gladly reciprocated. And then suddenly everything he has done to me came back rushing into my mind and I pushed him back. He looked at me with hurtful eyes.

"How can I be so weak." I said rubbing my hands on my face.

"Violet__ "

"Enough, Evan." I shouted, "I don't wanted to became a scape goat in your game every time. I can't let my heart break again and again by you. Please leave me, I don't have strength to go through the same heart break again due to your games." I cried.

"You were never a game to me, Vi." Evander said holding my shoulders tightly.

"Evander, leave me."

"No, Today I won't leave you until I clear things." He said determined in a intimidating voice.

"You were never a dare to me, Violet." He said looking into my eyes. "May be when I first met you, I thought whatever I was doing was just for a dare to prove my friends that I can make any girl fall in love with me. But then gradually as I began to spend time with you, I realized I fell in love with you. I didn't want to break your heart, so I called off the dare accepting my defeat. That minute nothing felt greater than you and Our love. I love you Violet. You were never a dare to me." He said and I looked into his eyes to see whether if he is lying but they reflected honesty.

"But the video__ " Evander cut me off.

"Whatever you saw in the video, It was spoken by me. I won't say that is some morphed one." He said and I looked at him hurt.

"But what you saw is only one side of the thing, after that I told Lucas that It's true that I challenged him to make you fall in love to secure the team captain position but I don't want it any longer because I truly love you and I don't want to hurt you even if I have to loss my place as captain. What Jessica showed you is only one side of a coin, which made it look like I am betraying you." He said. "Trust me, Love, It was never my intention to hurt you or betray you."

"What about your and Jessica's marriage? "

"I was supposed to marry her last Sunday because of a clause in my grandfather's Will that stated I have to marry her in order to inherit the property but then again I found that it was  a fake Will and I cancelled the wedding. You are the only woman in my life, Violet. The only one I ever loved and always will." He said looking to me eyes.

He was saying truth! I felt stupid for leaving him without letting him give any explanation. But again anyone in my place would have done the same thing I had done. I was feeling happy that Evander never betrayed me and truly loved me. And again there were insecurities that are stopping me, I don't want to get hurt again and this time it's not only me whose gonna suffer, it will affect my baby too. Even though my heart can feel he was being honest and telling truth. My mind was stopping me from making any stupid step again. My trust issues are stopping me from succumbing to the emotions.

"Evan... I... I don't know what to say." I said, "I have suffered and endured the pain for two years thinking how stupid I was to be so easy to get fooled, but right now I will believe whatever you say but I need time to think about anything."

"I can understand." He said smiling sadly, "I am sorry, I made you go through all that pain but I tried to find you to clear things but I failed. I will give you time to think about us. I promise you Violet, I will never fail you again, I just need a chance to prove my love to you and I love you always." He said placing his lips on my forehead.

I stood their enjoying that lingering kiss when the door knob began to twist, I moved away from him maintaining distance and the door opened revealing Mr.Roberts and Lisa.

"Sorry Mr. Arlette, it took time to find the person to open the door." Mr. Roberts  explained and Evan nodded.

"Let's go." Evander said and moved out of the room not before giving me a sad look.

"Lisa, did Sam call you? " I whisper asked Lisa as soon as Evan was out of the room with Mr. Roberts.

"Yes, Ma'am, he was worried about you."

"Give me your phone, I have to call him and want to know if my baby is alright." I said tensed.

It was first time I left Archie alone without me at nights.

I called Sam and he received the call immediately.

"Hello Lis.. "

"Sam, it's me." 

"Good Heavens! Vi, where are you? I have been calling you all the night but you didn't attend the call? Is everything okay? " He began to shoot the questions.

"Sam, calm down." I said even after knowing he won't, "I am fine, I came to visit a construction site and got struck in a room, I left my phone in my car so I couldn't take the call. Now Lisa came and helped me out. " I said hiding Evander's topic.

"Are you alright? " 

"Yes I am fine. How's Archie? Is he alright? Did he troubled you last night? "

"He is alright, don't worry about him. Just come home." He said making me breathe in relief.

"Okay, I will reach home in an hour." I said and ended the call.

Whatever the revelations took place today between Evan and I, was too much for me to process. I have to think about everything before I take any further step.

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