Chapter 7 - Clean up

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The feeling of anxiety was a valid reaction to what your plan was. Yes, you've done this loads of times, but that was to other people... this was the Radio Demon! Quietly opening his bedroom door you step in and close the door only slightly so light still streamed in from the halls. Tip toeing to the king sized bed which was much larger than yours, you see a lump under the duvet in the shape of a figure.

"Al," you poke the figure only for you to realise it was too soft to be a demon. Pulling back the covers you see it was just a long pillow.

"You have nerve to come into my room at this time," Spinning to the corner of the room a red light switched on to reveal Alastor in his pyjamas.

"And you're overly dramatic," you mumble, calming your heart beat after the quiet fright.

"What is it you need, my dear?"

"Money, my old phone, a boyfriend, and 3000 bees," He raises a brow at the odd wishes but stands up and summons his microphone.

"Lets make a deal then," he stretches out his hand which glows a bright green. You would have been more intimidated, even though you knew not to take the deal, but the fact he was in his pyjamas just threw you off.

"Don't think so," pushing down his hand he gives an irritated smile.

"So what is it then?"

"Remember how Charlie said the beach was always polluted?" He hums making you continue. "Well... I figured we could clean it up a bit?"

"But why me?"

"Can't you use your voodoo to help?" He places a finger on his chin, a mocking smile plastered on his face while he thinks.

"Why should I help?"

"Because I asked ever so nicely?" You give pleading puppy dog eyes.

"Fair enough," his microphone disappears and he was now in his suit.

"Seriously? Cool!" Running back into your room you changed out of your Pjs and into some beach friendly clothes; meaning your swimsuit under some light clothes.

"Shall we?" He holds out his arm which you hesitantly take.

"From what I've heard, teleportation isn't pleasant,"

"Quite uncomfortable the first time," his grin widens which makes you shrink. In less than a second you felt uneven terrain meaning you were at the beach. Opening your eyes, which you hadn't realised you closed, you scrunch up your face at the trash covered ground. What you thought was sand was actually seaweed mixed with plastic bags.

"That's disgusting,"

"Which is why I tend to avoid the beach down here," Alastor pushes away a fish skeleton with the end of his microphone. You noticed however, the fish skeleton was like the stereotypical cartoon fish bone.

Why am I not surprised that this world goes by cartoon laws?

"Ok, so, the plan is to get rid of all this guck, and hopefully what's in the ocean,"

"And you think cleaning it will stop the littering?" He lets out a mocking laugh making you scowl.

"Obviously it won't that's why..." spinning your bag off your shoulder and to the front, you open it up and let Alastor peer into it. "I'm going to make signs!" He holds in a snicker at the paints and glitter. "Oh shut up,"

"Well, where should we start?" Looking along the coast line of hell you notice abandoned life guard posts.

"Just clean up what you can, I'm going to check out the life guard thingies," Avoiding sludge and questionable things you make your way to the posts and step up the creaky wooden planks. Taking the final step you feel one plank sink in slightly. "Ok, avoid that one," You turn back to see Alastor moving trash into portals. "Where is that going?" You shout at him.

Candy demon: Alastor x fem!readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora