Chapter Twelve

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  Lizzy's idea wouldn't, by any length, give them a full plan – not even a quarter of one, but it was extremely helpful by any measure.

Marjorie thought it quite smart, and when Kit arrived that evening after supper for a cup of coffee and friendly discussion – although Erin wasn't around much because Kit had failed to bring pie – Lizzy was availed upon to repeat the entire thing.

"Well, from what I've heard, MNT hasn't allowed just anyone to join his group, and some of the people he's refused are quite powerful. Most of them are probably angry now – at MNT."

Lizzy took a deep breath and continued, blushing a little as she observed everyone staring at her intently – especially Jack, who hadn't heard it before.

And... Kit.

"So, I was thinking, maybe we could convince most of them to join us. Just in case – just if they are so mad that they want to take MNT down. And we need help. You know, brute force... in case we need it. If Amanda comes back with helpful information..."

Lizzy sighed. There was that word again – 'if'. If they got good information, if they got past, if they survived, if they could do it – if, if, if.

"But we still need a plan."

Jack nodded. "YES!"

Kit threw an odd look in his direction, but quickly turned away again. Marjorie raised an eyebrow.

"The logical next step is to, uh, actually start to plan," Alexander said, standing next to Marjorie. Lizzy nodded. Jack stood.

"The time has come," he announced, his right hand outstretched to them, his left in a fist on his waist. "For me to take my leave."

Everyone stared at his abrupt exclamation. "Uhh," said Finn.

But Jack wasn't finished. Apparently, he had prepared a speech for this exact moment.

"I understand if you lapse into a dispassionate sort of depression in the days following, but I do ask that this does not last long, if at all. Mourning my absence will do no-one any good. You all are mightily needed in this expedition, and I know that you need your strength. Most people tend to refuse food while getting through depression, and I beg you not to do the same. I assure you this is for the best. On the trip home, my automobile will be extremely helpful, and I will do my best to survive the long, long, so long, extremely long... long trip home. And if there are no comments, I shall now depart... Unless..." he paused.

"Unless... what?" asked Marjorie.

"I am glad you asked, you kind woman! As I began to say previously, I shall now depart – unless..."

Lizzy rolled her eyes. Patrick gestured for him to continue. "Well?" Alexander prompted.

"Unless you would each like to share among yourselves your favourite memory of me!" Jack beamed like he was giving them the biggest opportunity ever. Lizzy wondered if anyone on earth was more clueless than he was.

"I would go first, of course, if you were open to the idea..." he smiled hopefully.

"Jack, we haven't even known you a month." Lizzy pointed out.

He stopped. There was silence in the room as he thought for several minutes, then he grinned again.

"That doesn't mean you don't have any memories of me! Don't you think? Obviously, you'll remember something I did... right?"

Kit and Patrick exchanged concerned glances. Lizzy looked unimpressed, but she was smiling. It was one of her usual expressions, her blue eyes indifferent and eyebrows raised. It gave her a mischievous look, and with her dark lashes, quite a stunning one as well. Alexander was glad to see her back to her old self, and Kit viewed her with appreciation when he glanced over, happy that she was having some fun with this. Heaven knows they all needed to.

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