Deep regret

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After 2 years, Your relationship with my little sister keep improving, while I feel that you are far and far away from my grasp, even if I held my hand out I won't reach you. One morning, my sister told me she have a feeling on you, she said she would confess it to you sooner or later. I could feel myself panicking, knowing that if that really happen,
I won't even have any chance anymore. But I could do nothing to prevent that, both of you decided to confess to each other in the garden one day. I happened to pass by and heard your conversation accidentally. While you lean in and kiss her and she repaid it back passionately. I could hear my heart shatter into millions pieces. That's the end for my one-side love or I thought so.

You both talk to my parent about wanting to engage but both family oppose. My parent couldn't bear seeing their lovely youngest daughter being separate from them while your family didn't like my little sister personality. They said they would not oppose if it was me. Somehow I feel glad hearing your parent accept me even thought I know too well that I won't have any chance as you doesn't love me. Or should I say you rather seeing me as an evil big sister? I didn't know what my sister told you but I always think she wouldn't bad mouth me and I was indeed wrong.

That's why it's explain your disdainful gaze when you look at me. That's why, When you arrived and my sister occupied with some work, you would always return back, you won't willing to spent time with me alone. You could always come with various excuses. Am I that detestable? Why is no one willing to love me? Not even you or my parent?.........

It's finally the day for my one and only little sister debutante. She look as gorgeous as ever. Her eyes glimmer combine with her soft expression giving her a almost goddess-like beauty. Your eyes looking at her, like a protective barrier and it's sprinkles with jealousy whenever my sister dance with another noble. Smiling bitterly, I pick up the champagne from one of the waiter and drink my sorrow away. I couldn't remember how many glass I drank but I know I had walked back to one of the room and retire for the night.

The next morning I woke up finding myself in one of the guest bedroom naked with you beside me. You naked? And sleeping with me? How could I have such a dream. I am surprised, I tried slapping myself to wake up, but my cheek sting. That's the moment I began to take a closer look and I know it's not my mere imagination. I can't imagine how Panic i would be if I wake up with another stranger beside me. I let it a sigh relieved that it is you. You choose that time to woke up, shock by what you seen before you look at me with those hateful eyes. Abruptly picking up your scatter clothes, you walk away without even turning your back. I comforted myself, thinking maybe you might be too shock, that's why you didn't say anything to me.......

If it was my sister, would you show her that hateful gaze as well? Instead, you would console her with your gentle voice and kiss her to clam her down, wouldn't you?

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