Shall fate not let us meet again.

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I heard someone yelling my name but I ignored them, instead I hug my own stomach to protect my beloved unborn child. I know coming to my parent house wouldn't be safe but I didn't know it was this outrageous. I don't think I would survive this accident after all.

Moment later, I found myself laying flat on my back. My head had hit the stair step several time, it must be bleeding pretty badly right now. My body feel numb and blood start to seeping off from my lower leg, Wait it's seeping out from everywhere. Someone gently pick my head up. It's was my husband. His face is pale and he's shouting something I didn't quite understand. Huh it's look like my blood rush to my ears when I'm falling now I can hear nothing at all, but I only know that He's finally looking at me without those hated in his eyes. His mouth is moving, saying something, but I can't form those words so instead I only smile at him, I move my painful hand and gently touch his cheek. Surprisingly he didn't shrug them off.

How long have I've been longing to see this soft gaze of his, focusing only and only at me and not my sister?

"You are finally looking and talking to me"

But, Isn't it a bit too late?

"I would love to talk more but I'm so tired, dear. I want to rest" I heard myself talking "take care of this child for me, even if you hate me please don't hate him, he's innocent" blood start seeping from the corner of my mouth, dyeing my dress crimson.

Maybe, I wasn't mean to be with you from the beginning, but I still stubbornly shove myself into your life.

This could be the punishment of my selfishness and perhaps this ill fate of mine will end here.

One last time, I showed him a happy yet tired smile. I am really tired of this life, tired of this unrequited love, I just want to sleep and never wake up so I wouldn't have to face him, face my sister, my parent and even myself.

I don't want to see those thing anymore and never again.

Sorry sweetheart it's look like mother won't be able to accompany you through this life, I'm sorry for my selfishness.

Sorry for not being there.

Sorry for everything.

Gradually, my last ounce of strength is finally couldn't handle it anymore, everything slowly turn pitch black....


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