My Best or my Worst day?

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Being a responsible person you are, you decided to talk to my parent and and ask for marriage, even though you hate me to your gut. Despite my sister protesting, you wouldn't go back on your words. Finally my sister decided to beg me to let you go, As you two deeply in love with each other. Seeing her crying and tear staining on her soft cheek, my heart grew soft. Still, I couldn't do so, thinking this might be the last chance I could try to earn your love and put an end to my unrequited love.

Our wedding was rather small and full of remoteness. I always imagine my own wedding to be grand and glorious with hundreds of guest congratulate us while other woman would look at me with a jealous eyes. However, a dream will always be a dream, but that's okay as long as it with you, receiving a deadly glare from my small sister is not a problem, small wedding is fine, not grand is fine, even if the guest are looking at me with a pity in their eyes, It's enough for me.

On our wedding night you didn't come back home so I spent the night alone, crying myself to sleep.

Sorry....I'm sorry for getting you in tangled with the person whom you despite, sorry for my selfishness that tying you down.

Our life after the married was quiet, each day past slowly. You drift even far away as if we live in a different dimension.  Even though I lived in the same mansion as you, I rarely catch a glimpse of you. Even when I see you I could always see the hatred and disgust blend in your sharp gaze. You couldn't even stand being in the same air as I am as you would walk out the moment I enter the same room.

Am I that disgusting?

Not long after your rare presence at home becoming none. Soon I began to asked servant every morning of your presence. Their answer would always be,

"Master is really busy mistress. There's lots of works need to be complete, but please be at ease he will return once he finish, Mistress"

That exact same answer repeated everyday, never fail to pierce
though my heart.


For the first few weeks I thought you are indeed busy. So I wait patiently.

Weeks turn into months.

Then I began to think that you must wanting to play hide and seek with me, you must hide somewhere in mansion. So everyday I walked around the mansion, open every doors I could find and calling your name softly as I searching for you.

Those servant might already think, I'm a lunatic.

After spent another several week of not finding you, I grow tired of this game. My mind couldn't come up with anymore excuse to cover up your absence. Cold feeling surging through my whole body.

Living all alone in this cold mansion is indeed a bit pity. I am really pathetic, aren't I?

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