Chapter 13

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After a while, Sapphira relaxed, excepting her fate and waiting for the journey to be over. The thing that still bothered her, however, was that she was still hanging over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes, which wasn't the most comfortable position. 

"I can walk you know." She said in a dull voice. 

"Oh, I know," Luke replied as Sapphira felt the vibration of his voice through his chest. "Mostly away from me." 

Sapphira scoffed, "And if I promise I won't do that?"

Luke chuckled, "You know my mother told me never to trust a witch."

"Well, this isn't exactly the most comfortable position..." Sapphira sighed, "Your shoulder is digging in my stomach..." 

"I can hold you differently." He said, suddenly sounding rather chipper, "You know bridal style. I wouldn't mind you know."

For a moment Sapphira stayed quiet, thinking her options over. She then spoke up again, "In that case, the potato sack technique is fine..." Causing Luke to simply chuckle in response. 

Interestingly enough it didn't take long after that before Sapphira started to notice the scent of wolves. "We're getting close." She said softly. 

"How did you know?" Luke asked.

"The scent," Sapphira said in a duh, type of voice. 

"You can smell that already?" Luke said, clearly sounding confused.

"Witches have a great sense of smell you know," Sapphira said, "We're not humans." 

"I didn't know that," Luke said, "I don't know that much about witches," 

"Clearly..." Sapphira said, before being quiet once more. That was until they reached the familiar area of his house. He then opened the door and once inside placed Sapphira on the floor. 

Who in turn took a minute to regain her balance, having to adjust being right-side-up again. "Finally solid ground." She muttered, before looking up at Luke again. 

He had his back turned to her as he closed the door behind him and locked it. Placing the key in his pocket her turned back to Sapphira, "Just a precaution." He said as he motioned for her to come with him. 

From the outside of the house, right behind a tree stood Percy, watching as his owner and that wolf disappeared further into the house. The second that the wolf had closed the door Percy knew he had to find another entrance to the house. He then left his hideout and started scooping the area...

Luke led Sapphira through a few doors before they reached what appeared to be an office. He held the door open for her as he motioned for her to walk through. Sapphira obliged and walked over to one of the two chairs that stood across from the main one behind the desk. 

Luke then proceeded to close the door behind him, locking this one as well. 

"Don't trust me?" Sapphira said, with a grin on her face. 

The Alpha chuckled, "Didn't we already discuss this? I also don't trust that grin on your face, like you're up to something." He said as he sat down behind the desk. 

"I wouldn't trust that either." Sapphira said, "Now, what's the plan?"

"The plan is for you to obey pack law, which means.." Luke started but he was cut off by Sapphira. 

"I already told you, I'm not in your pack, nor am I a wolf," Sapphira said crossing her arms.

Luke growled, "You may not be a wolf, but as Luna, you are in my pack." He said, his eyes yellowing, "And pack law applies to any wolf and human mated with one." 

"Well, I'm not human either," Sapphira said, getting annoyed, "I don't see why those laws have to be met. Except for the fact that I should stay here with you, what are the other rules." She asked, using air quotations when she said the word rules. 

Luke sighed as he raked a hand through his hair. "It's more than just that. When a male finds his mate, it is then required for the female to move to their pack. This especially applies to Alpha's as their mate immediately moves in with them."

"I don't understand, why does the female have to move and can the male stay? Also what about lesbian and gay werewolves, do they just toss a coin? Or do your traditions not allow that?" Sapphira replied, slowly raising her voice. 

"It's just the way it is, the way it has been done for generations and we're not about to change those just because they are inconvenient for you." Luke replied, matching her tone, "As for your other questions, typically they figure that one out for themselves." He said in a softer voice. 

"Inconvenient? You're telling me to basically uproot my life for you, and then you're calling it inconvenient? Idiotic is what I would call it."

A growl left Luke's throat as he stared at her with intensity, "Well let me tell you the rest of the pack laws. As I said before when the Alpha finds their mate, the Luna immediately moves in with them. It is then custom for the Luna to be marked within the week and then she is officially introduced to the pack." 

"Marked?" Sapphira said confused, "As in marking your territory?"


A look of disgust came over Sapphira's face, "And how do you plan on doing that, just peeing like I'm a god damn tree?" 

Luke's eyebrows shot up as he realised what she meant, "No!" He exclaimed, "That's not marking, I just have to bite you."

"Excuse me what? You plan on biting me?"

Luke purposefully ignored her question as he continued with the pack law. "It is custom for the Luna to then become a sort of mother figure for the pack, settling any more societal issues. As for your store, that's no longer an option." 

"What!?" Sapphira exclaimed, standing up from her seat. "Listen up Wolfie, I can get with a little bit of compromise, but becoming a mother figure and giving up my livelihood, I don't think so."

In response Luke stood up as well, towering over her and growling, his eyes turning yellow. "Do not speak to me like that." He seethed.  

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