Chapter 17

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As they reached the car, ready to return to the wolves den, Luke did the same trick as he did before, holding the car door open. 

"Thank you," Sapphira said as she got in, the potion still in her hand. 

Luke replied with a 'you're welcome', before getting in on the other side and starting the car.

The car ride back was rather quiet, as neither of them seemed to know what to say. Instead, Sapphira simply stared out of the side window, trying to piece together what her plan would be... A part of her knew, deep down that she did really like Luke, it had been quite surprising to her. But there was just something about him, something that calmed her and just felt right. 

But she also knew that on quite important topics they had very different opinions and that would most likely become a rather sizable problem. 

Adding on to that, her mind just couldn't fathom how this whole soulmate thing was supposed to work... How they had gone from enemies to potential lovers. The entire mate thing also irked her, it annoyed her a little bit. 

She simply didn't understand it, it was something that her kind simply didn't have. How could you know that you're destined to be, even though you know so little of each other? A part of her had always imagined finding love so different... 

Something told her that she would meet someone, now it may not be love on first sight, but they would have a connection. Perhaps they would become friends first, as they slowly learned that they cared just a little bit more about each other then they thought. She imagined herself slowly realizing that she was in love and that he'd be the one. 

What she hadn't imagined was finding a guy, learning he was the one and then having to try and like him. It felt wrong, and the wrong way around. 

Turning her head to look at him she observed him as he was driving the car. She had to admit, he was handsome though, at least that was a plus. And she also didn't mind the way the fabric of his shirt pulled over his clearly well-defined muscles. 

Shaking her head from those thoughts she turned her gaze upon the road. Earning a little smirk form Luke as he had noticed the look she had given him. 

You see Luke didn't feel weird about the mate bond. To him, it was just the way that it was and the very idea of not having a soulmate felt really weird to him. 

His mind on the other hand had been thinking back to their earlier encounters, trying to understand how he hadn't recognized his mate back then... I mean even at his birthday party he didn't immediately know it, what had changed? What had happened? 

A part of him was scared, scared that she didn't feel the bond, that she didn't see him as her soulmate... He realised just how little he knew about witches, and how they functioned... 

But the way she'd looked at him only mere seconds ago had told him, that though it may be deep down, she felt it too...

It was then that they reached the packhouse, and Luke parked the car once more. Both of them got out of the car and Sapphira wasted no time as she walked into the forest. 

"Alright, this is a relatively central point right?" She said as Luke followed her. 

"It is." He said raising an eyebrow. 

"And your men haven't found him yet?" She asked crouching down. 

Luke shook his head no, "Sadly no." 

Sapphira nodded, closing her eyes to see if Percy had spotted anything yet, but to no avail. She then sighed opening her eyes once more, "Then let's try this.." 

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