Chapter 23

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"So how are the two of you doing?" Angelica said looking at them as she started preparing the sandwich, "Any better yet?"

Sapphira and Luke looked at each other for a moment as Luke opened his mouth to say something. Sapphira however, beat him too it, "Eh," She said with a matching hand motion. 

At that both of the wolves raised an eyebrow, Angelica with amusement, Luke's on the other hand appeared to be slightly offended. "Really, Eh?" He said copying her. 

"Well what else do you want to call it? Did you think it was going well?" Sapphira said putting her hands on her sides. 

Luke huffed, "Atleast better then, Eh." 

God I love this already..." Angelica said chuckling as she looked at the two, "I'm sure it'll get better, you guys just need time." She said looking down at the food for a moment, "And patience." 

Sapphira sighed as she observed Angelica making the food, "It's just... I feel like I know nothing about wolves and you guys, know nothing about witches... That just makes things difficult." 

"I know many things about witches," Angelica said in a joking manner, "Pointy hats, black cats, I mean I just saw one walking around and brooms." 

Sapphira chuckled, "Oh yeah same here wolves have a thing for the full moon, they have fur and don't like silver." 

"I mean that's just spot on..." Angelica said with a laugh. 

As Sapphira and Angelice were laughing Luke suddenly became very serious as his eyes glazed over for a moment, staring off in the distance. At first Sapphira didn't notice but when Angelica stopped laughing and looked at him in a serious face, Sapphira stopped too and looked at him. 

Confused she stared at him, what was going on?

Suddenly he snapped out of it as his eyes turned yellow, "I've got to take care of something," He said placing a hand on Sapphira's shoulder, "I'll be back soon." He said as he left before either Angelica or Sapphira could say something. 

"What was that?" Sapphira asked as she stared at the door through which he had left. 

"They probably found another rogue." Angelica said as she pushed the plate with food over to Sapphira before getting up, "It happens." 

"How do you know? And how does he know?"

Angelica walked over to the window behind her, closed it and locked it, "Mindlink?" She said in a almost questioning manner. When Sapphira looked confused she elaborated, "Oh you don't know about that, I'm sorry... Wolves can in the same pack can communicate telepathically through mindlink, it helps us talk when we shift." She said as she continued to make her own food, "Don't wait for me just eat." 

Sapphira's eyes went wide, "Telepathically?" She said picking up a sandwich, "What?"

"Yeah," Angelica said, "It comes in quite handy from time to time." 

"I can imagine..." Sapphira said as she started eating. 

For a moment a silence fell over the two, Sapphira ate her sandwich and Angelica made her own. After some time Angelica spoke up once more, "Tell me something about witches that I don't know." 

"How do I know what you know or not?" Sapphira said with a chuckle. 

"Fair enough..." Angelica said staring off in the distance for a moment, thinking about her next question, "Do you guys really use spells?" She said after a while. 

"Depends," Sapphira said taking a bite out of her sandwich, "When working with a wand typically yes, but not always." 

From then on the conversation turned to the differences between real life witches and Harry Potter, something which both girls turned out to be a fan off. For a while they bonded and talked,  and once they were about to start doing the dishes, the door opened again. 

In walked Luke, a stern expression on his face as he immediately marched over to Sapphira, pulling her towards him and holding her close. At first his body was tense, but as he held her it slowly moved away. Sapphira was startled at first, but quickly remembered what she had read and went to move her arms around him as well. When she did so he held her tighter, really pulling her in close. 

For a moment they stood there like that, before finally he let go and turned to Angelica, "There was another attack, no one got hurt, "He added upon seeing the faces of both women, "But there was a rogue." 

Angelica sighed, "They're really active aren't they?"

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