Chapter 18

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"I don't know." He said softly, looking down at himself.  

"Are you in pain?" She asked, a concerned look shrouding her features. 

"I don't think so." The boy said, confusion written over his face, still looking down at himself, "Man I thought I was a goner."

A smile spread on Sapphira's face as she placed a hand on his shoulder, "Well you're still here."  

At the same time Luke and the brown wolf, Mason had shifted back as the rogues had been taken care of. In that instant, Luke's attention immediately went over to his mate, who was now bent over another man. 

Something boiled up inside him, a mixture of anger and jealousy he had never felt before in his life, it was almost as if he felt his body move towards them before he had made the decision to do so. 

"Don't." Mason said as he stopped him by placing a hand on his chest, "She's helping him, he's just a kid, nothings happening..." Luke's eyes snapped to Mason, jealously still written over his face, as Mason flashed him a kind smile, "Trust me." 

As Mason said that Luke felt that boiling sensation go back down again, as the jealously started leaving him to, with only a small part remaining. Luke's brows furrowed as he regained control, where had that come from?

His attention, however, shifted to Sapphira and Christian as she helped the boy to his feet. He wobbled for a moment, but she steadied him helping him regain balance. 

Luke smiled as he observed them, but then he noticed something strange... the scarring... Werewolves rarely ever scar, as they usually heal rather quickly. Typically only wolfsbane or silver could have this effect, but in this case, it would be rather unlikely... 

He walked over to Sapphira and Christian, who now stood side by side, his arm slung around her neck. 

"Here, let me help," Luke said, standing on the other side of Christian and steadying him from there. "I got this." He said towards Sapphira, who nodded and let go of the boy. 

"Are you sure you feel okay?" She asked once more, a kind smile gracing her features. 

"I feel a bit faint, but other than that I'm fine, thank you," Christian replied.

Sapphira sighed as the kind smile turned into a sad one, "No need to thank me, you shouldn't have been in that position in the first place, "She said, aiming it more at Luke than at the boy. 

Luke didn't say anything as he started helping Christian back to the packhouse. 

For a moment Sapphira stood still, contemplating whether she wanted to turn around and see the full extent of the massacre. 

"Trust me you don't want to see it," Mason said walking up to her as he placed a hand on her shoulders, "We should go with them." 

Sapphira sighed, "If you say so." 

Together the two of them started walking, neither one saying a word. As they reached the packhouse Mason led Sapphira to a bathroom. Once inside she took a look at herself in the mirror and noted that there was blood on her knees, legs, arms and hands. There was even a little bit of it on her face. 

She started by washing her hands and face. Then opting to use magic to clean her clothes. Within no time she was fully cleaned and she stepped out of the bathroom. 

The second she left it she heard voices coming from down the hallway, undoubtedly coming from Luke's office. Turning away from the voices though she noticed that there was nobody standing near the door. 

Taking this opportunity to leave she quickly made her way to the door and placed her hand upon the handle. Before she could turn it however she felt an arm sneaking around her waist. Soon she was up in the air being held by her mate.

"And where do you think you're going?" He said as he started walking back to his office, with Sapphira in hand. 

She didn't say anything and simply sighed as he carried her into the office. He then marched over to his chair behind the desk, sat down on it and placed her on his lap. 

She then proceeded to get off of his lap, and in response, he placed her back on top of it. 

"I'm not a child," She said, using a minor shocking spell to make him let go of her. 

As he jerked his hands away from her, being stung by the shock, she quickly moved away from him and sat down on the chair she'd sat in earlier. 

From the corner of her eye, she saw the amused look on Mason's face due to her actions. Luke, on the other hand, had look on his face that was a combination of surprise, tenseness and anger.  Quite frankly he looked like he was about to go off. 

It was then, however, that Mason decided to speak up, "Apparently the rogues had dipped their claws, or more the nails, in wolfsbane. Christian said he smelled it as they snuck upon him." 

Luke's attention then turned to Mason's as his face shifted to a calmer expression. "How did they sneak up on him?"

"I don't know." Mason said shaking his head, "Christian said he didn't smell the rogues, only the wolfsbane... They came out of nowhere and attacked him." 

Luke then folded his hands as he stared off in the distance for a moment, "I don't understand." He said softly. "What do they want? And why now?"

The look in his eyes turned cold and stern as he directed himself towards Mason. "I want you to do a full perimeter search, make sure that there are no rogues upon my land. Also, raise the fences, and up the guard duty." 

"Yes sir." Mason nodded, as he stood up unlocked the door and left, closing the door behind him. 

Luke then turned his attention to Sapphira, "So where were we?"

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